The laws of Pesach-Summary-Part 7-Kashering 2 


D. What form of Kashering does a vessel require-General rules?

  • *The below list only refers to the form of Kashering required for vessels made of Kasherbale materials. For a list of those materials that are Kasherable and those materials that are not Kasherable-see Halacha E! For a list of vessels and their specific Kashering Laws see Halacha F!
  • Chametz cooked in liquid in the vessel: All Kasherable material vessels that had Chametz cooked with liquids require Hagalah or Libun Kal.
  • Chametz baked without liquid in the vessel: All Kasherable material vessels that had Chametz baked in them [without liquids] require Libun Chamur.
  • Chametz soaked in the vessel: All Kasherable vessels which had Chametz soaked in liquid for 24 hours require Hagalah or Libun Kal.
  • Do pots which are used to cook in have the status of absorbing food through liquid, or the status of absorbing food directly? All pots that had food cooked inside with liquid have the status of absorbing food through liquid, even if the food burnt inside the pot, and thus it does not require Libun Chamur, as there is always some liquid found on the bottom of the pot.

E. What materials may be Kashered?

  • Earthenware pottery: Can only be koshered through placing it in an oven and heating it to the point that it can be reformed. Even if an earthenware dish was used for only cold Chametz, one should not place even cold Pesach foods on it. An earthenware oven can be Kashered through Libun Gamur. Examples of earthenware vessels that cannot be Kashered: Crockpot; Mugs.
  • Sundried clay vessels: Vessels made of sun dried, is Kasherable.
  • Wood vessels: Is Kasherable so long as it does not contain cracks and the like. The custom is to Lechatchilah never use any wooden vessels which were used for flour consistently, even if one cleaned it and performed Hagalah. All wooden vessels may be sanded down and koshered.
  • Metal vessels: Are Kasherable. If the vessel absorbed the food through cooking in water, then it suffices for it to be heated to the point that its outside reaches the point of “Yad Soledes Bo”. This can be done by either using a torch [Libun Kal] or dipping it in boiling water [Hagalah]. If the vessel absorbed the food directly, without any liquid then it requires “Libun Gamur, which means that it must be heated until sparks begin to fly off from it, or until a layer of it peels off. This applies even Bedieved.
  • Glass vessels: The custom amongst Ashkenazic Jewry is not to Kasher for Pesach any glass vessels which have suspicion they may have absorbed Chametz. These vessels are not to be used for Pesach, and are rather to be put away with the Chametz vessels. [Sephardim however are lenient to allow using glass vessels even without Hagalah, so long as they have been washed and cleaned.]
  • Glass coated vessels: If the vessel is coated with glass on its inside, in the area where the food is placed, then it may not be Kashered. If it is coated with glass only on its outside, then if it is never commonly placed directly over a fire to cook in, such as silver vessels coated externally with glass, then it may be Kashered through Hagallah. If, however, it is not uncommon to use it to cook with over a fire, or even to occasionally heat food in it over a fire, then it may not be Kashered.
  • A vessel placed together using glue: Hagalah is invalid for such a vessel as the heat can easily ruin it and there is thus suspicion that to prevent this one will not heat the water enough for the Hagalah.
  • See the chart below for all of the following materials: Ceramic; Enamel; Marble; Plastic; Porcelain; Pyrex; Teflon.


F. Practical list of items:

List of vessels and their Kashering status

Vessel Law
Aluminum Kasherable based on use
Baking Pan Libun Chamor They are thus not Kasherable.
Burners of stove top Libun Chamor
Ceramic Cannot be Kashered
China Cannot be Kashered
Counter Iruiy Keli Rishon with Even Meluban
Cups Cannot be Kashered unless made of metal, in which case needs Hagalah
Earthenware Cannot be Kashered
Enamel Custom is not to Kasher for Pesach
Frying pan If coated with enamel/Teflon may not be Kashered. If not coated may be Kashered based on use.
Glass Cannot be Kashered
Grates of stove top Libun Chamur
Grinder Hagalah
Marble Hagalah
Oven Libun Chamur
Kiddush Cup [silver or metal] Hagalah
Knives Best not to Kasher for Pesach; if Kasher needs sharpening and Hagalah
Plastic Dispute amongst Poskim if may be Kashered.
Pot [not coated with enamel] Hagalah
Porcelain Cannot be Kashered
Pyrex Dispute amongst Poskim if may be Kashered.
Silverware Hagalah
Sink spout Clean and wash
Sink [made of enamel/ceramic/glass/plastic] Cannot be Kashered
Sink [made of metal] Iruiy with even Meluban
Skewer for barbecue Libun Gamor
Steel [including stainless steel] Kasherable based on use
Stove top [enamel] Cannot be Kashered
Stove top [stainless steel] Iruiy Keli Rishon with Even Meluban
Teflon Cannot be Kashered
Toaster Oven Do not Kasher. Sell to gentile and put away
Wood [without cracks] Hagalah
Wood [with cracks] Cannot be Kashered


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