Our Entire Sefarim Set [71 Volumes]




Purchase our entire Sefarim set of 71 titles

*Does not include our new book “Kedushas Habayis” catered for married couples only and available for purchase individually on our website

**Price of set includes shipping within USA. Outside of USA will be requested to supplement price of shipping as needed.

This list includes the following titles:

  1. The Chassidishe Parsha-Likkutei Sichos-$34 
  2. The Chassidishe Parsha-Torah Or-Likkutei Torah-$30
  3. The Weekly Parsha Summary-$30  
  4. The Weekly Parsha Summary- set of 5 pocket volumes-$8 each
  5. The Tanach summary series-Sefer Yehoshua-$10 
  6. The Tanach summary series-Sefer Shoftim-$10 
  7. The Tanach summary series-Sefer Shmuel 1-$13 
  8. The Tanach summary series-Sefer Shmuel 2-$13
  9. The Tanach summary series-Sefer Melachim 1-$13
  10. The Tanach summary series-Sefer Melachim 2-$13
  11. The Tanach summary series-Sefer Yeshayahu-$15
  12. Topics in Practical Halacha Vol. 1-$17 
  13. Topics in Practical Halacha Vol. 2-$17 
  14. Topics in Practical Halacha Vol. 3-$23 
  15. Topics in Practical Halacha Vol. 4-$28 
  16. Topics in Practical Halacha Vol. 5-$23
  17. Topics in Practical Halacha Vol. 6-$23
  18. Topics in Practical Halacha Vol. 7-$20
  19. From the Rav’s Desk: 5780-5781-$28
  20. From the Rav’s Desk Vol. 2: 5781-5782-$28
  21. From the Rav’s Desk Vol. 3: 5782-5783-$25
  22. From the Rav’s Desk Vol. 4: 5783-5784-$20
  23. The Laws of Shemita-$12
  24. Awaking like a Jew-$21
  25. Awaking like a Jew-Summary Edition-$12 
  26. The Laws of Tzitzis-$23  
  27. The Laws of Tefillin -$28
  28. The Laws of Tefillin-Summary Edition-$10
  29. The Laws & Customs of Kerias Hatorah-$30
  30. The laws & Customs of Rosh Chodesh-$20  
  31. The laws & Customs of Pesach-$35 
  32. Laws of Pesach- Summary Edition-$18 
  33. The Pesach Seder-$30 
  34. The Pesach Seder-Summary Edition-$15 
  35. Between Pesach & Shavuos-$17 
  36. The laws & Customs of Shavuos-$18 
  37. The Laws & Customs of the Three Weeks-$25 
  38. The Laws of Rosh Hashanah-$29 
  39. The Laws of Rosh Hashanah-Summary Edition-$10
  40. The Laws & Customs of Yom Kippur-$15
  41. The Laws of Sukkos-$33
  42. The Laws of Sukkos-Summary edition-$14 
  43. The Laws & Customs of Chanukah -$20
  44. The Laws of Purim -$21 
  45. A Semicha Aid for Learning the Laws of Shabbos Vol. 1-$40  
  46. A Semicha Aid for Learning the Laws of Shabbos Vol. 2-$40  
  47. The Laws of Shabbos Volume 3 -$34 
  48. The Laws and Customs of Erev Shabbos and Motzei Shabbos-$25
  49. The Shabbos Kitchen: Food related laws on Shabbos-$31
  50. The Yom Tov Kitchen: Food related laws on Yom Tov-$15
  51. The Practical Laws of Meat & Milk-$25  
  52. A Semicha aid for learning the laws of Basar Bechalav-$28 
  53. A Semicha aid for learning the laws of Taaruvos-$22 
  54. A Semicha aid for learning the laws of Melicha-$22 
  55. The Laws & Customs of Mourning Vol. 1-$28
  56. The Laws & Customs of Mourning Vol. 2-$28 
  57. The Laws & Customs of Mourning-Summary Edition-$23
  58. Shemiras Hanefesh Encyclopedia Volume 1-$28
  59. Shemiras Hanefesh Encyclopedia Volume 2-$28
  60. The laws of Kibbud Av Va’eim: Honoring one’s Parents-$25
  61. The Daily Tanya Summary Vol. 1-$17
  62. The Daily Tanya Summary Vol. 2-$19
  63. The Laws of Davening: Student Edition-Vol. 1- $25
  64. The Laws of Davening: Student Edition-Vol. 2-$25
  65. Lifecycles in Halacha Vol. 1-Pregnancy & Birth-$22
  66. Lifecycles in Halacha Vol. 2 – The Bris & Pidyon Haben-$20
  67. Kuntrus Hakaras Hatov: Gratitude in Jewish law and Jewish thought-$5

Totals at $1504 without shipping

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