Personal Requests by Shema Koleinu Part 2

Personal requests in Shema Koleinu-Part 2

Personal requests in Shema Koleinu:[1]

Confessing and then requesting livelihood:[2] It is proper [based on Kabala] for one to confess [his personal sins[3]] in Shomeia Tefila using a singular wording [i.e. Chatasi, Avisi, Pashati[4]] and then request [money for] his sustenance. This applies even if one is wealthy [and does not need money, nevertheless he is to confess and request it from Hashem].

How to pray on behalf of another:[5] One who is praying and arousing mercy on behalf of another, needs to mention his name in the prayer, if he is not making the request in front of the person. [Even one who is praying for his father is to mention his father’s name rather than simply say my father.[6]]



It is proper based on Kabala for one to confess his personal sins in Shomeia Tefila and then request a livelihood.



In what language are the personal requests to be said in?[7]

They may be said in any language that one understands. Nevertheless, it is best to do so in Lashon Hakodesh if one is fluent in the language. The main thing is that the prayer should come from the bottom of ones heart.


Is one to verbalize the words, or may they only be said in his thought?[8]

The words are to be verbalized and not just said in one’s thought.


May one say personal requests in a set Nussach?[9]

Some Poskim[10] rule one may not make a set dialect for personal requests in Shomeia Tefila, as it appears like one is adding to the dialect of the Sages.[11] Rather, when he is in need he is to request from Hashem in his own words, and not say the same words every single day as part of his standard prayer. Other Poskim[12] however rule that one may recite daily even a set dialect of personal requests. Practically, it is best not to say a set Nussach daily and rather one is to say it only occasion, or should say it in a different dialect each time.[13]


Should one specifically make his requests in Shema Koleinu, rather than after Shemoneh Esrei?[14]

Yes. If however saying personal prayers in Shema Koleinu will cause one to miss saying Kedusha with the Minyan, then it is better to say the personal prayers in the Yehyu Leratzon. Likewise, if he desires to lengthen his requests then he may only do so after Shemoneh Esrei, as stated above.


Having extra concentration by other blessings:[15]

One who adds his personal requests in Shemoneh Esrei is to be careful to have extra concentration upon saying the set Nussach of all the other blessings in order that he is not prosecuted [in heaven] to think that he only needs this request answered. 


Davening for healthy children that follow the path of Torah:[16]

It is proper for one to Daven daily on behalf of his livelihood and that the words of Torah do not cede from his mouth or the mouth of his children and that all of his descendants be true servants of Hashem.


[1] Admur 119/1; Michaber 119/1; Avoda Zara 8a

[2] Admur 119/2; M”A 119/1; Arizal in Shaar Hakavanos Derush 6; Peri Eitz Chaim; Zohar Balak 195b; Shelah Hakadosh, brought in Siddur Yaavetz; Elya Raba 119 in name of Seder Hayom; M”B 119/4; Kaf Hachaim 119/3

[3] If one has a new sin which he transgressed he is to explicitly mention it and supplicate to Hashem for forgiveness and resolve not to repeat the transgression. [Shalmei Tzibur brought in Shaareiy Teshuvah 119/1; M”B ibid] One is to confess the new sin in within the adjacent prayer. [Elya Raba ibid in name of Seder Hayom; Kaf Hachaim ibid] One is to say this confession with a broken heart and with tears, and with a broken and teary voice. [Shalmei Tzibur ibid; Kaf Hachaim ibid]

Day that Tachanun is omitted: It is disputed as to whether one may confess his sins in Shomeia Tefila on days that Tachanun is omitted. [See Piskeiy Teshuvos 119 footnote 19]

[4] M”A ibid

[5] Admur 119/3; M”A 119/1; See Brachos 34a

[6] Kneses Hagedola Y.D. 240 in name of Sefer Chassidim; Rav Akiva Eiger; Kaf Hachaim 119/6

[7] Yearos Devash Derush 1; Chayeh Adam 24/19; M”B 122/8; Shulchan Hatahor 118 footnote 5

[8] See Shaareiy Teshuvah 116/1; Kaf Hachaim 119/1

[9] See Piskeiy Teshuvos 119/1

[10] Taz 122/2; Shulchan Hatahor 116/1; Mishmeres Shalom 10/7; Aruch Hashulchan 119/2 protests the placing of set Nusschaos of confessions and prayers in the Siddur

[11] The reason: The Taz ibid explains that the allowance to recite personal requests in Shemoneh Esrei was never meant to be an allowance for a set prayer but rather for one to ask for his eneds as they come up during his life.

[12] Birkeiy Yosef 122/2; M”A 119/1 states one may is to recite “Chatasi, Avisi, Pashati,” in every prayer; M”B 119/4 records this ruling and then states in Shaar Hatziyon 119/2 “so rule many other Avchronim unlike the Taz 122/2”; Kaf Hachaim 119/5 says that even according to the Taz ibid one may say a set dialect for the confession and request of livelihood but not for other personal prayers.

Ruling of Admur: On the one hand, in 122/1 Admur completely omits the reason of the Taz ibid for why one should not say the Tachanunim before the first Yiyu Leratzon. On the other hand, when recording the ruling of the M”A ibid in 119/2 Admur omits the set Nussach of “Chatasi, Avisi, Pashati”. Vetzaruch Iyun!

[13] Mishmeres Shalom ibid; Shulchan Hatahor ibid

[14] Chayeh Adam 24/19; M”B 122/8; Kaf Hachaim 119/12

[15] Sefer Chassidim 158

[16] Chayeh Adam 24/19; M”B 122/8

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