- When Tisha B’av falls on Motzei Shabbos, one recites Baruch Hamavdil after the leave of Shabbos and only afterwards does he remove his shoes and bring the Kinos to Shul.
- The Paroches, the covering of the Amud of the Chazan and Bima, is removed prior to Maariv, and is not returned until Mincha.
- One is to diminish the light in Shul for the duration of Maariv.
- One recites a regular Maariv Shemoneh Esrei [with Atah Chonantanu if Tisha B’av falls on Motzei Shabbos].
- After Shemoneh Esrei, Kaddish with Tiskabel is recited.
- After Kaddish, Eicha is recited sitting on floor with an interval between oneself and the ground.
- When Tisha B’av falls on Motzei Shabbos, Borei Meorei Haeish is recited prior to Eicha. One is to look at his hands as usual.
- After Eicha, the paragraph of Veata Kadosh is recited.
- After Veata Kadosh, the Chazan recites Kaddish Shaleim without Tiskabel.
- Aleinu
- One is not to say Shavua Tov after Maariv.
- When Tisha B’av falls on Motzei Shabbos, one is to remove his Shabbos clothes after Maariv.
- Upon awakening, one performs Netilas Yadayim until the knuckles.
- One omits the blessing of Sheasa Li Kol Tzarchi
- The Tallis Katan is worn without a blessing. [Some wear it only under their clothing and hence do not show the Tzitzis until midday.]
- Tallis and Tefillin are not worn during Shacharis
- Karbanos is read as usual prior to Shacharis
- One does not kiss or hold the Tzitzis by Baruch Sheamar or Shema
- The Chazan says Aneinu in Chazaras Hashatz.
- Nesias Kapayim and Elokeinu is omitted from Chazaras Hashatz of Shacharis.
- Tachanun is omitted.
- After the Chazara, Half Kaddish is recited.
- Kerias Hatorah, half Kaddish and then Haftorah
- Yehalelu, and return of Sefer Torah to the Aron
- Kinos is recited until close to midday. One may not make an interruption during Kinos.
- After Kinos, one recites Ashrei and Uva Letziyon without Veani Zos Berisi
- Kaddish Shaleim without Tiskabel
- Shir Shel Yom and Ein Kelokeinu is omitted by Shacharis and recited in Mincha.
- Aleinu
- The Paroches is returned to the Aron and Bima.
- Igara Detanisa-One is to give the fast “tax” to charity prior to Mincha.
- Tallis and Tefillin is worn with its Brachos and one is to follow the following order:
- One recites all three Parshiyos of Shema.
- Shir Shel Yom [and Kaddish Yasom] and Ein Kelokeinu [and Kaddish Derabanon]
- Chitas: One recites the daily Tehillim [followed by Kaddish Yasom], and that days Chumash and Tanya. [This can be studied before the start of Mincha.]
- Karbanos
- Ashrei
- Half Kaddish
- Kerias Hatorah for fast day with Haftorah
- Yehalelu
- Half Kaddish
- Nacheim and Aneinu in Shemoneh Esrei
- Nesias Kapayim is performed in Eretz Yisrael/Jerusalem. In Diaspora, say Elokeinu.
- Kaddish Shaleim with Tiskabel
- Wear Rabbeinu Tam before sunset and recite with it Kadeish and the six Zechiros.
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