Chapter 47: Birchas Hatorah
14 Halachos
Halacha 1: Being careful to recite Birchas Hatorah[1]
- One must be very careful to recite the blessings over Torah study.
Halacha 2: Before what subjects of learning must it be recited[2]
- Birchas Hatorah must be said prior to learning Scripture, Mishnah, or Talmud.
- It likewise must be said over Midrash.
Halacha 3: Writing Torah[3]
- A person who writes words of Torah must recite Birchas Hatorah before doing so even if he does not verbalize the words that he is writing.
Halacha 4: Thinking Torah[4]
- It is permitted to think words of Torah prior to reciting the blessing.
- Giving a Pesak Din: One may give a Halachic ruling, without explanation to its reason, prior to reciting Birchas Hatorah.
Halacha 5: The three blessings[5]
- Birchas HaTorah includes the following three blessings:
- Asher Kidshanu BeMitzvosav VeTzivanu Al Divrei Torah
- VeHaarev Na
- Asher Bachar Banu
Halacha 6: Viharev with a Vav[6]
- Say with Vav: One should say VeHaarev, with a letter vav.
- Say without Vav: Some hold that one is to say Haarev without a Vav, and so is the Ashkenazi custom, however, it is still better to recite it with a Vav.
Halacha 7: Saying Birchas Hatorah after Davening[7]
- The blessing of Ahavas Olam fulfills one’s obligation of Birchas Hatorah if he studies Torah immediately afterwards without any interruption.
Halacha 8: Not to initially rely on Ahavas Olam[8]
- It is questionable whether it suffices to read the Shema immediately after Ahavas Olam [in place of Torah learning] and therefore one should initially be careful to recite Birchas Hatorah prior to Ahavas Olam.
Halacha 9: Learning Torah immediately after Birchas Hatorah-Birchas Kohanim[9]
- Some Poskim rule that if one made an interruption between Birchas Hatorah and his Torah study, it remains valid. Practically, however, one should not make a break in-between.
- The custom to recite Birchas Kohanim: Due to the above, it has become customary to recite Birchas Kohanim directly after Birchas Hatorah.
Halacha 10: Repeating blessing if did Hefsek after Torah learning[10]
- If one took a break from studying Torah after reciting Birchas Hatorah, with intent to then return and continue studying Torah, then he is not required to repeat the blessing again when he returns to his studies.
- This applies whether he takes a break to work to make a living, or to sleep, or bathe, or use the bathroom.
Halacha 11: Repeating the blessing after waking up from sleep[11]
- It is a dispute as to whether a set sleep during the daytime is considered an interval or not to require one to repeat Birchas Hatorah prior to him continuing his studies that day, and practically the custom is not repeat the blessing.
Halacha 12: Birchas Hatorah at night[12]
- When one studies at night he is not required to repeat the blessing of Birchas Hatorah, as long as he has yet slept, for in this context the night follows the day.
Halacha 13: Birchas Hatorah at night after waking from sleep[13]
- If one rises from his sleep before Alos, he is required to recite Birchas Hatorah prior to learning Torah.
- He does not repeat the blessing when he later goes to Shul for Shacharis.
Birchas Hashachar for one who awakens before Alos:[14]
- If one rose from his sleep before Alos, he may recite all of the morning blessings with the exception of HaNosein LaSechvi Binah and Parshas Hatamid which he should delay saying until Alos.
- Washing hands before Birchas Hatorah when awaken from sleep in middle of the night:[15] Initially, one should wash his hands before reciting Birchas Hatorah. If, however, water is not available, then he may recite the blessings and study Torah without washing his hands.
Halacha 14: Women reciting Birchas Hatorah[16]
- Women are to recite Birchas Hatorah.
[1] See “Awaking like a Jew” Chapter 9 Halacha 1
[2] See “Awaking like a Jew” Chapter 9 Halacha 4
[3] See “Awaking like a Jew” Chapter 9 Halacha 4 and 6
[4] See “Awaking like a Jew” Chapter 9 Halacha 4
[5] See “Awaking like a Jew” Chapter 9 Halacha 2A
[6] See “Awaking like a Jew” Chapter 9 Halacha 4A
[7] See “Awaking like a Jew” Chapter 9 Halacha 13
[8] See “Awaking like a Jew” Chapter 9 Halacha 13
[9] See “Awaking like a Jew” Chapter 9 Halacha 5
[10] See “Awaking like a Jew” Chapter 9 Halacha 10
[11] See “Awaking like a Jew” Chapter 9 Halacha 10
[12] See “Awaking like a Jew” Chapter 9 Halacha 10
[13] See “Awaking like a Jew” Chapter 9 Halacha 11
[14] See “Awaking like a Jew” Chapter 8 Halacha 8
[15] See “Awaking like a Jew” Chapter 9 Halacha 14
[16] See “Awaking like a Jew” Chapter 9 Halacha 8
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