Shabbos in the hospital:[1]
The following is a list of common Shabbos observance challenges that come up in a hospital when arriving to give birth, and after giving birth, while staying hospital:
*All matters that are permitted for a Yoeldes remain permitted even after birth, up until at least three days after birth, as explained in Halacha 5.
A. Arrival-Shabbos desecration applicable upon arrival to hospital:
Automatic doors:[2] When arriving to the hospital for her to give birth, there is no need to wait for a gentile to walk in front of the automatic door in order for it to open. However, after the birth, such as when the husband is visiting on Shabbos, then he may not go through the automatic door on his own and is to walk behind a gentile who goes in front of him.
Elevator:[3] It is permitted to press the button for the elevator upon arrival to the hospital for giving birth, and it is permitted for the husband to join her in the elevator. Nonetheless, one should press the button with a Shinuiy, such as with the use of one’s elbow or by asking a gentile. [After birth, the button of the elevator may not be pressed on behalf of the Yoledes, such as in order to bring her to her resting room, although one may ask a gentle to do so for her.]
Carrying in the hospital:[4] It is permitted to carry items throughout the hospital even if there is no Eruv in the area. [However, one may not walk outside the hospital with the identification bracelet issued by the hospital, in an area without an Eruv.]
B. Admission-Shabbos desecration applicable upon admission to hospital:
Writing down information:[5] Upon arrival to the hospital, it is permitted for one to tell a gentile receptionist or nurse any information that they ask for, even though they will be writing down or typing this information. Certainly, medical information that is necessary to be passed on is to be written even by a Jew.
Signing documents: If one is required to sign her name on necessary legal medical documents relevant to the birth, it should be signed with an irregularity, such as with one’s left hand. It is best of course, to sign all such documents before Shabbos.
Fingerprint for identification of child:[6] If the mother is required to take a fingerprint on behalf of identification of the child, then she is to give the finger to one of the Gentile nurses and have her press her finger in her behalf.
C. Birthing room medical procedures-Medical Shabbos desecration applicable during birth:
Standard medical procedures: All standard medical procedures which are done for a woman giving birth may be done even on Shabbos, even if a particular procedure may not be necessary to prevent danger of life. Thus, she may have her blood pressure taken, have her temperature checked, have her weight measured, and all matters of the like.
Blood tests:[7] A blood test may be done in order to determine the blood type of the Yoledes. However, one should avoid donating blood for purposes that are not relevant to her immediate medical treatment.
IV:[8] It is permitted for the Yoledes to have an IV inserted into her vein for the sake of her receiving medicine or other necessary liquids.
Epidural and other shots:[9] She may be given an epidural or any other shot necessary for the birth even if it is only done for the sake of reducing the pain of the birth.
Urine test:[10] It is permitted to perform a urine test for a medical reason.
GBS:[11] Initially, a GBS test should take place before Shabbos. If this was not done, then it may take place on Shabbos if she has any concerns and desires it to be done for the sake of her calmness during birth.
Monitors and other medical machines and devices:[12] Having the Yoledes attached to a monitor to measure her pulse as well as the pulse of the fetus is considered of great medical importance and is permitted to be turned on, on Shabbos. If possible, it is best to turn it on through a gentile, or with an irregularity such as the back of one’s hand. The same applies to the Doppler machine, and any other medical machine necessary to be turned on, such an ECG or EKG.
Ultra sound and x-rays:[13] Performing an x-ray and ultrasound is usually only done in cases of potential danger of life by a Yoledes, and is hence permitted to be done on Shabbos.
Shaving of hair:[14] It is permitted for the Yoledes to have areas of her body shaven from hair if medically required for the sake of surgery or stitches.
Stripping:[15] Stripping should only be done on Shabbos if there is a real medical reason for doing so, such as if the fetus is under stress.
C-section:[16] When a C-section needs to be medically performed, then all activity which must be done in order to facilitate the C-section is permitted to be done on Shabbos. If they ask her to sign the legal form which gives them permission for the C-section, she should do so with her left hand.
D. Birthing room comfortability-Shabbos desecration applicable upon admission to birthing ward:
Bathing and shower:[17] She may take a hot shower for the sake of helping her give birth. However, it is best to have the hot water turned on by a gentile or through an irregularity. If she wants to take a shower simply for purposes of cleanliness, then the hot water is to be turned on and off by a gentile.
Heater and air conditioner:[18] It is permitted to change the temperature of the heater or air conditioner on behalf of the woman giving birth, and she says that she is too hot or cold.
Turning on/off light:[19] One may turn the light on in the room for the sake of making the Yoledes feel more secure. Likewise, one may turn on the light for the sake of being able to see things for the sake of the birth. One may turn off the light in the room in order to be able to sleep.
Electric bed:[20] It is permitted for the Yoledes to ask a gentile to change the positioning of the electric bed to make it more comfortable for her, whether making it higher or lower. If there is no gentile available then she may do so with an irregularity, such as with her left backside of the pinky.
Curtains around bed:[21] There is no Halachic issue with moving the curtains which surround the bed of the Yoledes, either to open them or close them.
Bathroom and sink: It is permitted for her to flush the toilet in the hospital even if activates an electric pump upon being used. However, the sink should not be used if it will activate the electric pump.
E. Postpartum room-Shabbos desecration applicable by after birth hospital stay:
Blood pressure: Her blood pressure may be checked on Shabbos if there is a medical necessity do so, even if it involves an electric blood pressure machine. Initially, this should be done by a gentile, such as a gentile nurse.
Blood test:[22] It is permitted for her to have a blood test performed on her if deemed medically necessary.
Shots:[23] It is permitted for her to have a blood test performed on her if deemed medically necessary.
Removing Electric medical devices: If she is attached to electric medical devices which will turn off or beep if they are removed from her, then she should request from a gentile nurse to remove them when necessary.
Calling the nurse:[24] If she needs the nurse for a medical related reason, including for help to get out of bed, then she may press the button to call the nurse on Shabbos. Preferably, she should do so with an irregularity.
Heater and air conditioner:[25] It is permitted to turn on the heater or air conditioner to relieve suffering from heat or cold.
Turning on/off light:[26] One may turn off the light in the room in order to be able to sleep. Initially, this should be done through a gentile or with an irregularity. Likewise, one may turn on the light for the sake of being able to see things in order to be treated.
Bathing and shower:[27] She may take a hot shower after birth. However, it is best to have the hot water turned on by a gentile or through an irregularity. If she wants to take a shower simply for purposes of cleanliness, then the hot water is to be turned on and off by a gentile.
Smearing ointment and medication:[28] It is permitted for her to smear ointment and medication on the wounded areas after birth. However, it is best to simply dab the cream on the body, and then smear it with a Shinuiy.
Electric bed:[29] It is permitted for the Yoledes to ask a gentile to change the positioning of the electric bed to make it more comfortable for her, whether making it higher or lower. If there is no gentile available then she may do so with an irregularity, such as with her left backside of the pinky.
Curtains around bed: See above in D!
Bathroom and sink: See above in D!
Gifts and presents:[30] All nonfood gifts and presents should be brought to her from before Shabbos and not on Shabbos itself. If she was brought nonfood gifts on Shabbos, she should have intent not to acquire the gifts until after Shabbos.
Flowers:[31] If a present of flowers arrives on Shabbos day, such as from a delivery service, then they are to be considered as Muktzah. Either way, they may not be placed into a water vase on Shabbos.
Visiting the wife: When a husband comes to visit his wife in the hospital on Shabbos, he is to be aware not to transgress any prohibitions in the process.
F. Food and Drink in the hospital on Shabbos:
Kosher food:[32] If there is no Kosher food available in the hospital and Kosher food was not brought to the hospital from before Shabbos, then Kosher food may be delivered to her on Shabbos through a gentile taxi driver. This applies even if the food will be sent from outside of the Techum.
Fridge: It is permitted to enter and remove food from the refrigerator on Shabbos on behalf of the Yoledes even if it causes the light to turn on and all. Nonetheless it is best to do so through a gentile or with an irregularity. This however may not be done in behalf of the escorts who stay with her for Shabbos, unless it is done through a gentile.
Water bar:[33] She should not use the hot or cold-water bar unless there is no other water available or she feels the need to have hot or cold water, in which case she should press it with an irregularity, or ask a gentile to do so for her.
G. Hadlakas Neiros Shabbos, Kiddush, Lechem Mishneh, Havdala:
Lighting Shabbos candles in the hospital:[34] When lighting candles outside of one’s home, such as in the hospital, one is to light only two candles and is not required to light the number of candles that they usually light at home.[35] If the hospital in which the wife is staying does not allow her to light candles, then she is to turn on an electric light[36] [or turn it off and then on if already on] by the regular candle lighting time, preferably turning on a bulb with a filament [rather than fluorescent or LED lamps].[37] Nonetheless, a blessing may not be recited, and while there are some who are lenient[38], Safek Brachos Lihakel, and therefore no blessing is to be said. This certainly applies in Israel where the electricity is generated by Jews, and hence there is no room to be lenient to say a blessing over the electricity.
Kiddush:[39] If she will be staying in the hospital over Shabbos, she is to make Kiddush prior to eating on Friday night and Shabbos day. She may use a disposable cup for this purpose, and may use grape juice [or beer, or tea or coffee by daytime]. If unavailable, she may make kiddush over bread. If she does not have the strength to make kiddush and needs to eat right away, then she may eat without making Kiddush. If she is sleeping on Friday night, there is no need to wake her up in order to make Kiddush, and she should simply make up the Friday night Kiddush the next morning. She may take medicine prior to Kiddush.
Lechem Mishneh:[40] If she does not have Lechem Mishneh then she may say Hamotzi on any bread she has. If she does not have bread, then she may eat whatever she needs even though she will not be having Hamotzi for the meal. This applies even if she does not have any Mezonos available, or cannot eat Mezonos for whatever reason.[41]
Havdala:[42] If she will be staying in the hospital over Shabbos, she is to make Havdala prior to eating on Motzei Shabbos. She may use a disposable cup for this purpose, and may use grape juice or tea or coffee or beer. If she does not have the strength to make Havdala and needs to eat right away, then she may eat without making Havdala. If she is sleeping on Motzei Shabbos, there is no need to wake her up in order to make Havdala, and she should simply make up the Havdala the next morning. She may take medicine prior to Havdala. She cannot be Yotzei Havdala over the phone.
H. Release from hospital on Shabbos:
May one who traveled to the hospital to give birth and was then released on Shabbos, due to being told that she is not ready to give birth, return home on Shabbos?[43]
It is forbidden for her to drive back home. Although, if there is no comfortable area where she can wait until after Shabbos[44] there is room to allow her to have a gentile drive her home, so long as her house is within Techum Shabbos. [45]
[1] See Nitei Gavriel 59-61; See Toras Hayoledes chapter 35 for all the typical Melachos that are performed during a birth and their Halachic status.
Matters that involve Shabbos desecration during birth: See Toras Hayoledes Chapter 35 for laws relating to 1) Cutting the umbilical cord; 2) Turning on light; 3) Writing or typing information; 4) Blood test to determine one’s blood type. 5) urine test. 6) shaving of hair. 7) bathing. 8) IV. 9) medication. 10) breaching amniotic sac’s. 11) ultrasound. 12) stripping 13) C-section 14) checking for GBS. 15) weighing the baby. 16) raising or lowering the electric bed. 17) turning on the heater for the child.
[2] See Toras Hayoledes Chapter 25
[3] See Toras Hayoledes Chapter 27
[4] See Toras Hayoledes 42:5-6
[5] See Toras Hayoledes Chapter 26; 35:2
[6] Nitei Gavriel 60:1
[7] See Toras Hayoledes chapter 35:3, 11
[8] See Toras Hayoledes chapter 35:7
[9] See Toras Hayoledes chapter 35:8; Piskeiy Teshuvos 330:1 footnote 6
[10] See Toras Hayoledes chapter 35:4
[11] See Toras Hayoledes chapter 35:20
[12] See Toras Hayoledes chapter 35:12, 21
[13] See Toras Hayoledes chapter 35:13
[14] See Toras Hayoledes chapter 35:5
[15] See Toras Hayoledes 35:15
[16] See Toras Hayoledes chapter 35:17, and chapter 36
[17] See Toras Hayoledes chapter 35:6
[18] Admur 330:5; Michaber 330:4 and 6; Shmuel and Neharda in Shabbos 129a; Piskeiy Teshuvos 330:4 footnote 43-46
[19] Admur 330:1 “At night one may light a candle for her. [Furthermore] even if she is blind and even if the other women which are assisting her do not require this candle, as they are able to fully assist her without a candle, [nevertheless] one lights a candle for her.”; See Toras Hayoledes chapter 5 in length and Toras Hayoledes Chapter 35:1
The reason: As although she [the patient] cannot see she becomes calmer upon knowing that there is light here, as she tells herself that if there is anything that she needs my friends can see and can do so for me. However, if she were to know that there is no candle here then there is worry that she will become endangered due to fear in her heart, as she will fear that perhaps the assistors are not doing properly what she needs done. [Admur ibid]
[20] See Toras Hayoledes 35:23
[21] See Toras Hayoledes 42:10
[22] See Toras Hayoledes 37:8
[23] See Toras Hayoledes 37:8
[24] See Toras Hayoledes 42:1
[25] See Michaber 330:6; Toras Hayoledes 37:1
[26] See Toras Hayoledes 37:1
[27] See Toras Hayoledes 37:1
[28] Toras Hayoledes 37 footnote 4; 37:22
[29] See Toras Hayoledes 35:23
[30] See Toras Hayoledes 35:27
[31] See Toras Hayoledes 35:28-29
[32] See Toras Hayoledes 37:1; 42:3; 43:1-4; Admur 328:16
[33] See Toras Hayoledes 42:2
[34] See Toras Hayoledes Chapter 40 for many details relating to lighting in the hospital and after birth
[35] Nitei Gavriel 66:4
[36] Reshimos of Rabbi Label Groner that so directed the Rebbe
[37] See Levushei Mordechai Telisa 59; Beis Yitzchak Y.D. 1:120; 2:31; Maharshag 2:120; Pekudas Elazar; Kaf Hachaim 673:19; Har Tzevi 2:114; 143; Rav Henkin in Eidus Yisrael p. 122; Mikraeiy Kodesh Chanukah 20; Shearim Hametzuyanim 129:4; Meoreiy Eish p. 95; Tzitz Eliezer 1:20-12; Beir Moshe 6:58-59; Yabia Omer 3:35; Az Nidbaru 3:1; Piskeiy Teshuvos 673:1; Shulchan Menachem 3:272; Piskeiy Teshuvos 263:9 footnotes 93-95; Shevach Habris 6:2; Nitei Gavriel 66:8
[38] See Poskim ibid; See Shevach Habris 6:2 footnote 4 that so ruled Rav Issac Shwei
[39] See Nitei Gavriel 66:11-21; Toras Hayoledes 41:1-7
[40] See Toras Hayoledes 41:16-20
[41] See Admur 288:2-3; 242:7 regarding fish; Michaber 288:2; Piskeiy Teshuvos 273:1; Likkutei Sichos Vol. 21 Sicha 2; Rav Chaim Kanievsky in Derech Sicha Parshas Beshalach; Yaavetz Pesachim 114a
[42] See Nitei Gavriel 66:21-29; 3; Toras Hayoledes 41:8-10
[43] Piskeiy Teshuvos 328:13; 330:1 footnote 10-12; Nitei Gavriel 58:21-25; See Toras Hayoledes Chapter 28
[44] This includes if one will not be able to pray with a Minyan or eat the Shabbos meals. [Teshuvos Vehanhagos ibid]
[45] SSH”K 36:10; Teshuvos Vehanhagos 2:174 [However there the allowance is only if the gentile is any ways traveling to their area, or one hints to a gentile ambulance driver to do so. However, to ask a regular gentile to drive them back he does not allow.]
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