The Kelipa of the Pelishtim:[1]
The term Pelishtim comes from the word Mefulash which is used in Halacha to refer to an alleyway, which is called a Mavuiy Mefulash. In Kelipa this refers to lightheadedness, a joking and frivol attitude towards all that is holy and important in life, taking nothing in life seriously. This Kelipa makes scorn of that which is true and precious and prevents service of G-d.
Pelishtim of Kedusha:[2] In service of Hashem, this refers to one who serves G-d with an external excitement which is not a direct reaction to the emotions one feels. It is like one who dances and claps to music which displays momentary excitement that will leave just as it came. It leaves no real change in the person. The same applies with love of Hashem and Simcha. Showing an external love that is filled with verbal announcement and movements may be good for the time its lasts, but leaves no further fear of G-d or love of Him in one’s heart after his external excitement fades. It is due to this that the Torah states “And He did not lead us through the land of the Pelishtim” as Hashem does not desire that we follow this path in service of G-d. Rather, Hashem desires that we work and toil to create true feelings of love in our hearts, as the verse states “because you did not serve Hashem with joy”, thus proving that Simcha is an Avoda on does not come through simple external stimulation.
[1] Torah Or Beshalacha p. 61d
[2] Torah Or Beshalacha p. 61d
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