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Must one receive the pleasure that the blessing corresponds to in order to recite it?
A. The law: [1]
The custom is to recite all the morning blessings even if one did not receive the particular pleasure that the blessing corresponds to. One may not be stringent in this matter. Nevertheless, if possible, it is proper for one to receive the pleasures of all the blessings that he recites.[2] (If one is unable to receive the pleasures of all the blessings he should at the very least walk, get dressed, put on a belt and hat prior to the blessings in order to suspect for the stringent opinions.[3])
From when in the morning may the above blessings be recited if one did not receive their benefit?[4] If one did not receive the particular benefit that corresponds to a particular blessing then that blessing may not be recited until Alos [daybreak].[5]
B. The pleasures which one should initially try to receive prior to reciting the blessings:[6]
- To sleep at least for thirty minutes during the night. This obligates one in Elokaiy Neshama.
- Hear a rooster crow. This obligates one in Hanosen Lasechvy Bina.
- Put on a shirt.[7] This obligates one in Malbish Arumim.
- Place the hand over the eyes. This obligates one in Pokeiach Ivrim.
- Sit on the bed. This obligates one in Matir Assurim.
- Stand. This obligates one in Zokef Kefufim.
- Place ones feet on the ground.[8] This obligates one in Roka Haaretz Al Hamayim.
- Put on leather[9] shoes. This obligates one in Sheasa Li Kol Tzarki.
- Walk. This obligates one in Hameichin Mitzadei Gaver.
- Put on a belt which separates between ones upper and lower half of the body.[10] This obligates one in Ozer Yisrael Begevura.
- Put on a hat [or skullcap].[11] This obligates one in Oter Yisrael Bisifara.
- Wash the hands properly. One recites Al Netilas Yadayim.
- Wash the face. This obligates one in Hamaavir Sheiyna.
- Relieve ones bowls or bladder. This obligates one in Asher Yatzar.
- See footnote regarding the blessings of Shelo Asani Goy/Aved/Isha.[12]
[1] 46/7; Siddur; Ketzos Hashulchan 5/6
Admur ibid records three opinions in this matter:
First opinion-Rambam: Some opinions [Rambam; Michaber 46/8] rule that if one did not receive the corresponding pleasure of a particular blessings then he may not recite that blessing. Hence if one did not hear the rooster crow, or did not walk or did not get dressed or did not wear a belt, (or stayed awake the entire night and hence did not need to remove the slumber from his eyes) then he may not say the blessings that correspond to these pleasures.
Second Opinion-Rosh: Other opinions [Rosh/Tur] rule that all blessings said over the natural order [and public benefit] of the world, such as “Hanosein Lasechvy Bina” and “Roka Haaretz Al Hamayim” may be recited even if one did not receive their pleasure. However those blessings which are said for a persons personal benefits, such as “Malbish Arumim” and “Hameichin Mitzadeiy Gaver” and “Ozer Yisrael Begevura” and Oter Yisrael”, then if he did not receive their corresponding pleasure, such as if he is still lying unclothed in his bed, then they may not be said at all.
Third Opinion-Ramban: There are opinions [Ramban/Rama] that rule one can say all the morning blessings even if he did not receive any of the corresponding pleasures at all. The reason for this is because the blessings are not only being said for his personal benefits but rather as a blessing that Hashem created the needs of man which the general populace receive benefit from, irrelevant of whether or not he received this benefit.
Final ruling of Admur: The widespread custom is like the third opinions and one may not swerve from it. Nevertheless, if possible, it is proper for one to receive the pleasures of all the blessings that he recites. (If one is unable to receive the pleasures of all the blessings he should at the very least walk, get dressed, put on a belt and hat prior to the blessings in order to suspect for the stringent opinions.)
Ruling of Admur in Siddur: “All these blessings [from Hanosen Lasechvi Bina] are recited even if one did not become obligated in them, such as he was awake the entire night and did not remove his clothes and put on other clothes.”
Ruling of Sefaradim: Although the Michaber 46/8 rules like the Rambam, nevertheless even the Sefaradim follow the Rama in this regard to recite the blessings even if they did not receive its benefit. [Peri Chadash 46/8; Birkeiy Yosef 46/12; Rav Poalim 2/8; Kaf Hachaim 46/49 in name of many Poskim; Piskeiy Teshuvos 46/14]
Gra and Chazon Ish: The Chazon Ish rules that according to the Gr”a one may not recite the blessings of any pleasure that one did not receive. He would direct people to follow this opinion. [See Piskeiy Teshuvos 46 footnote 147]
[2] This is done in order to suspect for the first opinion mentioned in background which is stringent in this matter. [This ruling of Admur is based on the Amek Habracha brought in M”A 46/14] Although this ruling is not recorded in the Siddur it does not necessarily mean that Admur retracted this ruling. The Ketzos Hashulchan 5/6 records this ruling after bringing the ruling of the Siddur.
[3] Parentheses in original. This is done in order to suspect for the second opinion mentioned in background which is stringent by all blessings of personal benefit.
[4] Siddur; 47/7; Ketzos Hashulchan 5/6; See also 4/13 that the washing is to be done after Alos; This is not mentioned in previous Poskim. Tehila Ledavid 4/10 questions this matter of whether one must wait until Alos to say blessings that he did not receive pleasure from. He brings support from 47/13 that according to the Rama it is not necessary. Piskeiy Teshuvos 46/15 writes it is proper to suspect for these words of Admur in the Siddur.
Other Opinions: The Mekubalim rule that one is to recite all the morning blessings from after midnight, even if one did not sleep at night and did not receive their corresponding blessings. [Kaf Hachaim 46/49 in name of Rashash in Nehar Shalom and Arizal; brought also in Shalmei Tzibur 46 and Zechor Leavraham 1/300]
[5] The reason for waiting until after Alos: Seemingly the reason for this is because it is not applicable for one to say a blessing based on the worldly custom prior to the common time that people of the world receive these pleasures. [See Tehila Ledavid ibid]
When is dawn? Seemingly in this regard one should be stringent to follow the opinion of the Magen Avraham which holds that dawn does not begin until 72 minutes prior to sunrise.
[6] Ketzos Hashulchan 5 footnote 7 based on 46/2 and 7. To note that if one slept at night he normally receives all the benefits listed below within the process of waking up and getting dressed.
[7] It is not enough for one to be wearing clothing to be obligated in the blessing of Malbish Arumim. Rather he must actually put on clothing. Thus if he slept in his clothing he is to change at least one clothing that he is wearing. [See Siddur: “All these blessings are recited even if one did not become obligated in them, such as he was awake the entire night and did not remove his clothes and put on other clothes.”]
[8] As opposed to a boat or plane. See Q&A!
[9] Ketzos Hashulchan ibid; See Siddur that this blessing is not said on Tishe Beav and Yom Kippur being we do not wear leather shoes.
[10] Seemingly one has to actually put on a belt and sleeping with a belt does not suffice. Accordingly it is proper for one to include a belt in his daily dress code.
[11] Alternatively one can put on a different Yarmulke.
[12] Regarding the blessings of Shelo Asani Goy/Aved/Isha, it seems that its pleasure is dependent on the dispute brought above regarding the reason behind saying this blessing. According to those which say that its being said as thanks for being given the merit and obligation to fulfill all the Mitzvos, then seemingly the pleasure is received at the time that one is obligated to say the blessing over Torah study. However according to the opinion of the Mekuballim which hold that these blessings thank G-d for not attaching souls of gentiles, then seemingly the pleasure is received as soon as one awakes. [Ketzos Hashulchan 5 footnote 15]
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