

A grafted Esrog, or a later generation of a grafted Esrog, is Pasul. There are four general signs in a kosher esrog which are different in an esrog grafted with lemon.

    1. A grafted esrog is smooth like a lemon while a kosher one is bumpy.
    2. A grafted esrog has its stem grown outside the esrogs body while a kosher one has it indented into the esrog.
    3. A grafted esrog has less peel and more juice while a kosher one has more peel and less juice.
    4. A grafted esrog has its seeds sitting horizontally while a kosher one has its seeds vertically.

Buying an Esrog that has tradition:[2] Despite the above one should be careful to only buy an esrog that has a tradition that it is not grafted. An example of such an esrog is the Yanovar which grows in southern Italy.


[1] 648/31

[2] Teshuvas Chasam Sofer Orach Chayim 207

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