Is there an actual stealing prohibition involved in disturbing one’s sleep?
There is no stealing prohibition involved in waking a person up and so to say stealing their sleep and the concept of Gezel Sheiyna is indeed not mentioned anywhere in the Talmud or Poskim, and was first coined by the Baalei Hamussar a generation or two ago. Nevertheless, disturbing one’s sleep may transgress the Mitzvah to love a fellow Jew as one loves himself, and likewise may transgress the laws of neighbors in which noisemaking is regulated. Certainly, one may not cause a Jew unnecessary pain.
See Shevet Halevi 7:224; Mishneh Halachos 12:443-444; 14:199; Shraga Hameir 6:101; Derech Sicha p. 367; Sheilas Rav 2:143; Avnei Yashpei 3:1; Hachofetz Chaim Upoalo 3:105; Yosef Lechok p. 240; See regarding ones father: Kiddushin 31a; Ramban, Ritva, Nimukeiy Yosef, Ran, Tosafus Harosh on Kiddushin 31b; Maharam Mintz 32; Chasam Sofer Bava Metzia 62a; Rabbeinu Yerucham; Pesakim Uteshuvos 240:31; Encyclopedia Talmudit Erech Kibud Av Vaeim Vol. 26 p. 385; p. 402
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