Holding a baby during Shiva

* This article is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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Holding a child:[1]

An Avel is not to hold a baby in his chest throughout the Shiva.[2] [Some Poskim[3] however rule that this prohibition only applies if one will be holding the baby for an extensive period of time. After the Shiva, it is permitted to hold a child even though it remains prohibited for the Avel to rejoice.[4]]



May an Avel during Shiva hold a baby on Shabbos?[5]

It requires further analysis if the above prohibition applies also on Shabbos.

May an Avel during Shiva hold a baby in order to feed him, or do another chore with him?



May an Avel hold a baby in order to calm him down?[6]


May an Avel sing a lullaby to a baby in order to calm him down?[7]


May a comforter bring a baby to the Shiva home?

One is to avoid doing so, if possible.


[1] Michaber 391:1; Moed Katan 26b

[2] The reason: As an Avel is forbidden to rejoice during Shiva and if he holds the child in can lead to laughter and enjoyment. [ibid] The Gemara ibid adds that doing so can lead the Avel to being belittled in the eyes of the public.

[3] Salmas Chaim Y.D. 426; Nitei Gavriel 113:9

[4] Michaber ibid “during Shiva”; Bach 391; See Pnei Baruch 20 footnote 2

[5] Nitei Gavriel 113 footnote 16

[6] Nitei Gavriel 113:9

[7] Minhagei Maharash, teacher of Maharim 523; Nitei Gavriel 113:10

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