Day of Shevi’i Shel Pesach-Order and Davening

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Day of Shevi’i Shel Pesach:

Kerias Torah:

The Torah reading:[1] On the seventh day of Pesach, two Torah scrolls are removed from the ark. From the first scroll, the portion of Beshalach regarding Kerias Yam Suf is read until the end of the Shirah, until the words “Ani Hashem Rofecha”.

Standing for Shirah:[2] One is to stand during the reading of the Shirah.

The Maftir:[3] The Maftir is read from the verse of Vihikravtem, just as on Chol Hamoed.

The Haftorah:[4] The Haftorah is read from Shmuel[5] [discussing the song of David] “Vayidaber David Es Divrei Hashirah Hazos etc”.[6]


Yizkor in Eretz Yisrael:[7]

It is an Ashkenazi[8] custom to recite Yizkor on the last days of the three festivals. In Eretz Yisrael, the custom is to recite Yizkor on Shevi’i Shel Pesach, after the Torah reading. In the Diaspora, the custom is to recite Yizkor on Acharon Shel Pesach, after the Torah reading.

No Minyan:[9] Yizkor may be recited even if a Minyan is not present.

Who remains in Shul?[10] All those with a parent who has passed away remain in the Shul. Those whom both of their parents are alive are to leave the Shul.[11]

Candle:[12] It is not the Chabad custom to light a candle for Yizkor. The Rebbe and Rebbe Rayatz did not light Yizkor candles.[13] Nonetheless, many are accustomed to do so.

When to light:[14] The Yartzite candle is to be lit before Yom Tov.[15] One who did not do so before Yom Tov may light it on Yom Tov inside an active Shul, in the room where the prayer takes place.[16] However, one may not light the candle in one’s home on Yom Tov.[17] However, there are opinions[18] who allow lighting it even at home.[19]

Aliyah:[20] It is not the custom to be particular to receive an Aliyah on the day of Yizkor.

How to mention the name:[21] One is to mention the name of the Niftar together with the name of his mother during Yizkor, such as Eliezer Ben Bashe Leah. One does not mention his father’s name.

Mentioning the Rebbeim:[22] It is customary amongst Chassidim to mention the name of the Rebbeim that they were Chassidim of in Yizkor. This has an effect on the Chassid saying it.

Mentioning men and women separately:[23] Men and women are to be mentioned separately in Yizkor.

Holding on to the Eitz Chaim:[24] The Chabad custom is to take hold of the Eitz Chaim while reciting Yizkor.[25] This was the custom of the Rebbe Rayatz.  

Charity:[26] One is to pledge charity during Yizkor on behalf of the soul of the deceased.


Yizkor during the first year of Aveilus:[27]

When Yizkor is taking place during the first year of Aveilus, the mourner remains in Shul for Yizkor, although he does not recite anything while there. He is not to recite the Yizkor even quietly.[28]

After 12 months in a leap year:[29] One who is still prior to the first Yartzite, but is past 12 months of mourning, is to remain in Shul and recite Yizkor regularly.

If the mourner needs to say Yizkor for another parent who is past the 1st year: If one is within the year of one parent and past the year for another parent, then only the parent’s name that is past the year is to be mentioned in Yizkor.


Av Harachamim:[30]

In the Diaspora, Av Harachamim is not recited on Shevi’i Shel Pesach. In Eretz Yisrael it is optional to recite it.


On Shevi’i Shel Pesach, the Rebbe accustomed the Chassidim to walk to different Shuls, both close and far, and tell them Divrei Torah and rejoice with them for Simchas Yom Tov.


[1] Admur 490:8-9

[2] Sefer Haminhagim p. 83

Standing facing the Sefer Torah: It is recorded in Reshimos 5 p. 25 in the name of the Rebbe Rayatz that the Rebbe Rashab would stand facing the Sefer Torah during the reading of Shira and Aseres Hadibros. This was likewise the custom of the Rebbe. However, it is not recorded in Hayom Yom to face the Torah when standing for Shirah, in contrast to Aseres Hadibros of which it is recorded. [Otzer p. 216]

[3] Admur 490:13; Michaber 490:6

[4] Admur 490:13; Michaber 490:8

[5] 2:22:1-51

[6] The reason: The reason for why this Haftorah is read is because this song is similar to the song of the sea that was read in the Torah reading. Likewise, it discusses the exodus from Egypt in the verse “Vayishlach Chitzim” and “Vayiru Afikei Yom”. [Admur ibid]

[7] The custom of Yizkor on Yom Tov is first mentioned in 621:14 regarding Yom Kippur; Regarding other Yomim Tovim: Nitei Gavriel Aveilus 2 78:4 that so is custom even though there is no known source for this in Poskim [See there footnote 11]; The following Poskim mention the custom of reciting Yizkor on Yom Tov: P”M 547 A”A 2; Kav Hayashar 86; Yalkut Hagershoni 621:2; Betzel Hachochmah 4:119

[8] Sefaradi communities do not recite Yizkor.

[9] Gesher Hachaim 31:6

[10] Shaarei Ephraim 10:32

[11] The reason: This is due to Ayin Hara.

[12] Hamelech Bemisibo 1:321 [printed in Shulchan Menachem 2:250]; However in Luach Kolel Chabad it says to light it.

[13] Heard from Rav Leibel Groner

[14] See Admur 514:14; Biur Halacha 514 “Ner”; Piskeiy Teshuvos 514:14

[15] Biur Halacha ibid; Piskeiy Teshuvos ibid footnote 70; See SSH”K 13 footnote 27

[16] Biur Halacha ibid; Piskeiy Teshuvos ibid

The reason: As one may light any candle in Shul as it is considered a Neir Shel Mitzvah. [514:14]

Other Opinions: Some Poskim rule one may never light a Yartzite candle on Yom Tov, even in Shul. [Daas Torah 514 in name of Imrei Eish] Some rule one may only do so through a gentile. [Kitzur SHU”A 98:1]

[17] Piskeiy Teshuvos ibid

The reason: As it does not add any light to the house even at night being that we have electricity. Thus, it may not be lit as it is considered a light that serves no purpose which is forbidden to be lit on Yom Tov. [514:13]

[18] Biur Halacha 514 “Neir”

[19] Initially one is to light it near one’s dining room table, thus giving it a use. However, if this is not possible, then one may light it in any area as it is considered a Ner Shel Mitzvah. [ibid]

[20] Igros Kodesh 3:220 [printed in Shulchan Menachem 2:250]

[21] Kaf Hachaim 284:37 based on Zohar; Siddur Torah Or; Hamelech Bemisibo 2:166; Igros Kodesh Miluim, [printed in Shulchan Menachem 2:251]; Mishnas Sachir 2:233 that so is the custom in Ungarin; See Divrei Torah Munkatch 2:90; Nitei Gavriel 79:14 in name of Poskim

Other customs: Some are accustomed to mention the name of the father by Yizkor. [See Zohar brought in Hamelech Bemisibo ibid; Mishnas Sachir 2:233 that so is the custom in Poland; Nitei Gavriel 79:14 in name of Poskim and that so is the custom]

[22] Toras Menachem 46:343 [printed in Shulchan Menachem 2:252]

[23] Nitei Gavriel Aveilus 79:13

[24] Igros Kodesh 3:220 [printed in Shulchan Menachem 2:251]; Hamelech Bemisibo 1:309; Otzer Minhagei Chabad Yom Kippur p. 222

[25] This is learned from a play on words “Eitz Chaim Hi Lamachazikim Ba”, that one is to hold on to the Eitz Chaim for long life. [Hamelech Bemisibo ibid]

[26] See Admur 621:14

[27] Sefer Haminhagim p. 125 [English]

[28] So is the final ruling of the Rebbe in Sefer Haminhagim ibid, unlike Igros Kodesh 3:7 [printed Shulchan Menachem 5:308] in which the Rebbe directs to recite the Yizkor silently

[29] Directive of Rebbe Rashab to Rav Yaakov Landau brought in Otzer Minhagei Chabad Yom Kippur 195

[30] Otzer p. 220 based on Reshimos Acharon Shel Pesach 1942 in name of the grandson of the Rebbe Rayatz

[31] See Otzer Minhagei Chabad p. 218

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