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Uniforms:[8] It is permitted to wear work uniforms. Thus if all the doctors wear a certain uniform in order so it be recognizable that they are doctors, then it is permitted to wear it.
Elegant clothing:[9] Similarly if the clothing is worn because it is elegant [and not frivolous or haughty] or for other reasons, then it is permissible to be worn by Jews.
[1] Michaber 178/1; As the verse states “and in their ways you shall not follow” and “Guard yourself lest you follow them”. [Kitzur ibid]
[2] Rama 178/1
[3] Michaber ibid; as a Jew should be different than the gentiles also in their dress. [Rama ibid]
[4] Kitzur ibid: “clothing that are worn for haughtiness”
[5] Rama ibid: “This is only forbidden if the clothing of the gentiles are worn by them for sake of frivolity [pritzus] or it is a gentile custom that has no logic behind it, as in such a case there is room to suspect that the custom derives from the Emorite customs, and that it derive from practices of idolatry passed down from their forefathers.”
[6] Rama ibid
[7] Kitzur ibid; Ketzos ibid
[8] Rama ibid
[9] Rama ibid
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