9. Seudas Shelishis- Seudas Hamafsekes

* The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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9. Seudas Shelishis- Seudas Hamafsekes:[1]

When Tisha B’av falls on Motzei Shabbos, or on Shabbos and is pushed off until Motzei Shabbos, there is no Seudas Hamafsekes restrictions relevant to the final meal eaten on Shabbos before the fast. One may eat without any restrictions up until sunset. One may eat meat and drink wine by the final Shabbos meal, and may bring foods to his table as like the feast of King Shlomo.

By when must one stop eating and drinking on Shabbos?[2] One must stop eating and drinking while it is still day [prior to sunset[3]]. [Thus, the fast officially commences by sunset of Shabbos. It is a Mitzvah to publicize this matter.[4]]

May one eat with other people? One may eat the third meal of Shabbos as usual with his family.[5] Regarding eating with friends [as is common to do in Shuls which serve the third meal], some Poskim[6] rule it is not to be done.[7] Others[8] rule one is to follow his usual pattern, and hence if he usually eats this meal with friends he is not allowed to refrain from doing so.[9]

Making a Zimun:[10] It is permitted to make a Zimun by Birchas Hamazon of the final Shabbos meal.


Is one to initially recite Birchas Hamazon before sunset?

One may recite Birchas Hamazon after sunset.

May one perform Mayim Achronim after sunset?[11]



Is one to recite Birchas Hamazon with Nachem if he forgot to Bentch prior to night?[13]

No. One only recites Nachem in Birchas Hamazon on Tisha B’av if he actually ate on Tisha B’av, such as one who is sick.

May one take “easy fast” vitamin’s on Shabbos?[14]

It is permitted to do so.[15]


[1] Michaber 552:10

[2] Rama 552:10

[3] M”B 552:24; Kaf Hachaim 552:54

[4] M”B 552:24

[5] M”B 552:23

[6] M”A 552:14; Elya Raba 552:13

[7] The reason: As although one is to eat foods as on the table of King Shlomo, it is to be eaten with some bitterness. [ibid; Rokeiach]

[8] Bechor Shor brought in M”B ibid; Birkeiy Yosef 553:4; Shaareiy Teshuvah 553:11

[9] The reason: As otherwise this is considered showing public mourning on Shabbos. [ibid]

[10] M”B ibid based on Elya Raba

[11] Taharas Hashulchan 557; Nitei Gavriel 66:10

[12] The reason: As this washing is not a washing of pleasure.

[13] Shaareiy Teshuvah 552:13; Nitei Gavriel 51:21

[14] Piskeiy Teshuvos 302 footnote 146 [if dissolved before Shabbos]

[15] The reason: As a) It is not considered medicine being that one is currently healthy and b) It is not considered Tircha from Shabbos to Chol being that one benefits from it also on Shabbos, and is similar to eating food on Shabbos so he has strength after Shabbos. See Piskeiy Teshuvos 302 footnote 146 who permits doing so being it is not recognizable to others that it is being done for after Shabbos, although he writes to dissolve it in water before Shabbos. Seemingly, however, this is not necessary as there is no apparent illness here.

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