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Yes, however, Some Poskim rule that after the sewing the Tzitzis must be removed and then retied.
Practically, I would recommend simply purchasing a new pair.
See here
What is the law if the shoulder area of the Tallis Katan tore? – Shulchanaruchharav.com
The purpose of Pesukei Dezimra-To tear the concealments of evil:[1]
Within the prayer, we fulfill the divine services of both Ratzo and Shuv, with the blessings of Shema and the Shema representing the passion of Ratzo, and Shemoneh Esrei representing the return of Shuv. What then does Pesukei Dezimra represents and what is coming to accomplish? The answer is that Pesukei Dezimra accomplishes something very fundamental and necessary to facilitate the future divine services of Ratzo and Shuv in the coming parts of the prayer. In Pesukei Dezimra we sing the praise of G-d as it states, “And he elevates G-d in his throat.” Now, through singing this praise we accomplish the tearing of all the curtains of concealment that hide and darken the revelation of G-dliness from our souls. The singing of praise is comparable to one holding a double edge sword which he uses to whip at the curtain of concealment, until the curtain is torn down, and allows the light to shine through.
[1] Torah Or p. 1d
The concept of Ratzo and Shuv:[1]
The sages state that both the heavens and earth were created for the sake of Torah and for the sake of the Jewish people. Being that this is the case, one must say that there is an aspect of heaven and earth that is found in the Torah as well as in service of G-d through which one is able to establish the physical heaven and earth. The matter is as follows: There exist two different modes of service of G-d, one called Ratzo and the second called Shuv. The service called Ratzo refers to the passion and desire of the heart to cleave to G-d. It comes from the word Ratz, which means to run, as one who is overcome with passion runs towards the subject of his passion to be nullified to it. In general, all the souls of Israel have a subconscious deep passionate desire to cleave to G-d. The divine service of Shuv refers to drawing down G-dliness below, in which we return the G-dliness back onto the earth. So, while in the mode of Ratzo we run towards G-d, in the mode of Shuv, we draw Him down to us. The Divine service of Ratzo is the service that corresponds to the earth while the divine service of Shuv is the divine service that corresponds to the heavens. In today’s times, prior to the redemption, the service of Shuv in which we draw down G-dliness is dependent on preceding it with Ratzo. However, in the future this order will change.
[1] Torah Or p. 1c-d
Yes, as it is usually cooked with oil and spices which save the egg from the evil spirit.
See Yaskil Avdi 7/44; Shevet Halaevi 6/111; Hakashrus 18 footnote 50
Peeled eggs, onions and garlic left overnight – Shulchanaruchharav.com
Sotah 12b regarding Yocheved that not only was her son Moshe returned to her by Batya in order so she nurse him, but furthermore she got paid for doing so. On this our sages state, that it does not suffice the righteous receive their lost objects back, but furthermore they receive payment for it.
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