*The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer
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- After the animal souls of all of the Jewish people will become a holy chariot for G-d, this will then cause that all of the life force of this world, which comes from Kelipas Noga, will also leave its impurity and become elevated to holiness and become a chariot for G-d.
- Experiencing the sight of G-d: G-d’s glory will then become revealed within the world and become apparent to everyone. The Jewish people will then experience G-d like a human sees something with his eye, as they experienced by the giving of the Torah in which Scripture states that we were shown to know that there is nothing else other than G-d.
- The annihilation of the evil forces: This will then affect the annihilation of all of the three completely evil forces, which nurture their life force from holiness, through the medium of Kelipas Noga. Once Kelipas Noga will become elevated to holiness, the medium through which they nurture their energy will no longer exist, thus leading to their extinction.
(LY) 17th Adar 2
- The world’s elevation and future revelation of G-d is dependent on the current service of the Jewish people in refining our animal soul:
- Based on the above, it is found that the entire purpose of the Messianic era and the time of the resurrection, which is for there to be a revelation of G-d in this world, and to eradicate the forces of evil, is dependent on the drawing down of G-dliness and the infinite light of G-d onto the animal soul of the Jew and it’s 248 limbs and removing the impure spirit with guarding the negative commands.
- The positive commands draw G-dliness while the negative commands prevent evil: The drawing down of G-dliness and the infinite light of G-d onto the world is accomplished through the fulfillment of the 248 positive commands, while the eradication of the forces of evil is accomplished through guarding the 365 negative commands, which prevents the 365 sinews [of the animal soul] from nurturing from evil.
(LY) 18th Adar 2
- Each soul has its unique mission of elevating the world-The 600,000 souls elevate the 600,000 parts of world: The general souls of Israel, which comprise of 600,000 unique souls, are the general life force of the entire world, as it is for them that the world is created. Every soul of the 600,000 souls contains a part of the world that corresponds to him, as there are 600,000 general parts of the world corresponding to the 600,000 Jewish souls. When a soul elevates his animal soul that is within his body, it also elevates its corresponding aspect of the world, and hence it is found that the elevation of the world is literally dependent on the elevation of the animal soul.
- In detail, whatever a person uses for the sake of his body and animal soul to serve G-d, such as eating and drinking and the like, as well as his living quarters and other living accessories, all become elevated as the result of the elevation of his animal soul.
- There are many more than 600,000 souls: In truth, the 600,000 unique souls are only the roots of all the souls, as each of the 600,000 unique souls is divided into 600,000 sparks with each spark being one soul [for a total of 360,000,000,000 souls, and hence there are many more than just 600,000 Jewish souls in existence throughout history]. This occurs also on the level of Nefesh and Ruach in each of the four spiritual worlds of Atzilus, Beriya, Yetzirah and Assiyah. [Thus, each of the 600,000 souls has 1/600,000th of the world dependent on it to be elevated to Hashem through using that part of the world for serving G-d, such as eating and drinking and living quarters, and all of one’s belongings.]
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