Daily Tanach Monday Shmuel 2 Chapter 13: Amnon assaults his sister Tamar

* The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer

Amnon assaults his sister Tamar:

Amnon tricks his father Dovid to arrange for his sister to feed him: So Amnon lied in his bed and made believe that he was sick, and the king came to visit him. Amnon said to the king that he requests that his sister Tamar comes to visit him and make for him two fried bread patties in front of his eyes in order so he can eat from the food that was made by her hands. So Dovid sent a message to the house of Tamar telling her that she should go to the house of Amnon her brother and make for him food so he can eat from it and get better.

Tamar makes food for Amnon but he refuses to eat: Tamar went to the house of Amnon her brother and saw that he was lying down. She took the dough and kneaded it and broiled it in hot water and then cooked it in oil, thus making fried bread. She then took the pan and served the food in front of Amnon, pouring the bread together with oil onto a plate that was in front of him, although he refused to eat anything.

Amnon asks to be left alone with his sister: Amnon then requested for all the people in the room to leave, and so all the people in the room left [except for his sister Tamar]. Amnon then requested from Tamar to bring the food into his inner bedroom [where he slept[1]] so that he can eat it from her hands. So, Tamar took the fried breads that she had made and brought it to Amnon her brother inside the inner room.

The rape: She brought the food to her brother to eat and instead he grabbed her and said to her, come lie with me my sister. She said to him, “My brother please do not rape me, as such actions are not done amongst the Jewish people and do not do this great abomination. If you do this, where will I be able to carry my shame, and you will be considered like one of the lowlifes of the Jewish people. Now, if you truly desire me, go speak to the king as surely he will not abstain giving me to you [in marriage[2], as indeed I am halachically permitted in marriage to you, as my mother was impregnated with me by our father prior to her conversion while she was still a Gentile Yefas Toar, and thus I am not considered to have paternal lineage[3]].” However, Amnon refused to listen to her pleas [as he did not desire to take her as a wife and simply desired to fulfill his lust with her], and he forcibly took hold of her and oppressed her and raped her.


[1] Metzudos Dovid 13:10

[2] Metzudos Dovid 13:12

[3] Rashi 13:13; Ralbag 13:12

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