Chapter 15: The reigns of Azariah, Zechariah, Shalum, Menachem, Pekachia, Pekach, and Yosam
- Azariah, the son of Amatziah, the king of Yehuda, became king in the twenty-seventh year of reign of Yeravam the king of Israel. [He is also known in Scripture as Uzziah.[1] In truth, he really became king many years earlier and reigned at the same time as Yeravam the king of Israel. However, in the 27th year of reign of Yeravam he became a leper.[2]]
- His age when he became king: Azariah was sixteen years old when he became king.
- The years of his reign: Azariah reigned for a total of fifty-two years in Jerusalem.
- The name of his mother: The mother of King Azariah was Yecholia of Jerusalem.
- His righteousness: Azariah was righteous in the eyes of Hashem, just like his father Amatziah. However, he did not destroy the Bamos and allowed the people to continue offering sacrifices and burning incense on the Bamos.
- His illness of leprosy: Hashem brought a plague of leprosy upon the king, and he was a leper until the day of his death. [This was a punishment for Azariah entering the holy of holies to offer the Ketores.[3]] He lived in a retirement house [which was near the cemetery[4]] from this time and onwards until the time of his death.
- His successor during his lifetime: Yotam, the son of the king Amatziah, was appointed over the palace, and he judged the people of the land.
- The chronicles: The remaining events of Azariah and all that he did, are written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Yehuda.
- His death: Azariah passed away and was buried with his ancestors in the city of Dovid.
- His successor after his death: Yotam, the son of Amatziah, reigned in his stead.
[1] See Rashi and Metzudos Tziyon 15:1
[2] Rashi 15:1
[3] Rashi 15:5
[4] Rashi 15:5
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