Daily Chumash Monday Ki Savo – Mitzvas Viduiy Maaser-Confessing the Maaser tithing

*The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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  1. Mitzvas Viduiy Maaser-Confessing the Maaser tithing:
    • When you complete the tithing of all your produce in the third year of Maaser, you are to distribute [the tithes] to the convert, the orphan and widow, and they are to eat and be satiated. You shall confess before Hashem and say “I have removed the Maasros from the home and distributed it to the Levi, convert, orphan and widow, just as you commanded me. I have not transgressed your command and have not forgotten. I have not eaten it in a state of Aninus or impurity. I have listened to the word of Hashem and did all that He commanded. Gaze down from your Holy abode, from heaven, and bless Israel and the promised land that you have given us.”

Daily Chumash Sunday Ki Savo – Mitzvah of Bikurim

Post Views: 64 *The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer *As an Amazon Associate I earn from  qualifying purchases. Donate Buy in Paperback or Kindle Buy on Apple Books Purchase on our website Sign up for Daily Distribution Sponsor an Episode  Rishon Bikurim: When you enter Eretz

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Daily Chumash Thursday Ki Seitzei – Feeding workers, Divorce

Post Views: 62 *The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer *As an Amazon Associate I earn from  qualifying purchases. Donate Buy in Paperback or Kindle Buy on Apple Books Purchase on our website Sign up for Daily Distribution Sponsor an Episode Chamishi Miscellaneous Mitzvos: Feeding workers on

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Daily Chumash Wednesday Ki Seitzei – Miscellaneous Mitzvos

Post Views: 73 *The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer *As an Amazon Associate I earn from  qualifying purchases. Donate Buy in Paperback or Kindle Buy on Apple Books Purchase on our website Sign up for Daily Distribution Sponsor an Episode Revi’i Miscellaneous Mitzvos: Edomites and Egyptian:

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