Purchase “From Rav’s Desk” Q&A’s 3 Volumes* *As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. WhatsApp Telegram Facebook Twitter Reddit Email Join Daily Halacha distribution list Sponsor an Episode Looking at a church Question: As a sequel to your article on the subject of walking by a church, and […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Reciting a Mi Shebeirach for IDF soldiers in Shul
Purchase “From Rav’s Desk” Q&A’s 3 Volumes* *As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. WhatsApp Telegram Facebook Twitter Reddit Email Join Daily Halacha distribution list Sponsor an Episode Reciting a Mi Shebeirach for IDF soldiers in Shul Question: I am a Shliach and run a Chabad House style […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Bal Tashchis by water
Purchase “From Rav’s Desk” Q&A’s 3 Volumes* *As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. WhatsApp Telegram Facebook Twitter Reddit Email Join Daily Halacha distribution list Sponsor an Episode Bal Tashchis by water Question: Does the concept of Bal Tashchis apply by water? I had left my bottled water […]
From the rav’s desk-Hating someone who offended you-When hate is wrong but not a crime
Purchase “From Rav’s Desk” Q&A’s 3 Volumes* *As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. WhatsApp Telegram Facebook Twitter Reddit Email Join Daily Halacha distribution list Sponsor an Episode When hate is wrong but not a crime Question: A certain individual who lives with us in the community has […]
From Rav’s Desk: Walking by a church
Purchase “From Rav’s Desk” Q&A’s 3 Volumes* *As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. WhatsApp Telegram Facebook Twitter Reddit Email Join Daily Halacha distribution list Sponsor an Episode Walking by a church Question: I am five months pregnant and was walking with my in-laws down the street that […]
From the Rav’s Desk-Pouring the liquid out from a can of olives on Shabbos
Purchase “From Rav’s Desk” Q&A’s 3 Volumes* *As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. WhatsApp Telegram Facebook Twitter Reddit Email Join Daily Halacha distribution list Sponsor an Episode Pouring the liquid out from a can of olives on Shabbos Question: I was helping preparing for the meal in […]
From the Ravs Desk: Giving jewelry to one’s Kallah before the wedding
Purchase “From Rav’s Desk” Q&A’s 3 Volumes* *As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. WhatsApp Telegram Facebook Twitter Reddit Email Join Daily Halacha distribution list Sponsor an Episode Giving jewelry to one’s Kallah Question: Is there any halachic issue with me giving jewelry to my Kallah prior to […]
From the Rav’s Desk-Bishul Akum by electric stove-Maid cooking in home
Purchase “From Rav’s Desk” Q&A’s 3 Volumes* *As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. WhatsApp Telegram Facebook Twitter Reddit Email Join Daily Halacha distribution list Sponsor an Episode Question: May a Gentile turn on the flame and cook on electric stove. I have a non-Jewish maid which does […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Jumping into a Mikveh
Shop Now Like this Article? Check out our Amazon Sefarim store. Over 64 Titles *As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. WhatsApp Facebook Twitter Telegram Sign up for Daily Distribution Sponsor an Episode Jumping into a Mikveh Question: Is there any issue with jumping into a Mikveh? I […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Chasan and Kallah not meeting for a week before wedding
Purchase “From Rav’s Desk” Q&A’s 3 Volumes* *As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. WhatsApp Telegram Facebook Twitter Reddit Email Join Daily Halacha distribution list Sponsor an Episode Question: I always heard that a Chasan and Kallah should not meet with each other for a week before the […]