Mayim Shenisgalu-Liquids that were left uncovered:[1] The letter of the law: Liquids that were left uncovered [without supervision[2], for even a very short amount of time[3]] were forbidden by the Sages to be consumed [or used[4]] due to worry that perhaps a snake entered venom into the liquid [and one […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Sleeping on backpack with Tefillin inside while camping
Question: [Sunday, 28th Shevat, 5782] We recently went on a camping trip and had to sleep in tents. We used our backpacks as a pillow to rest our heads on while sleeping in our sleeping bags on the ground, and I wanted to know if there’s an issue with doing […]
Avel/Mourner receiving an Aliyah during Shiva
Avel/Mourner receiving an Aliyah during Shiva:[1] During the weekdays: It is forbidden for an Avel to receive an Aliyah throughout Shiva.[2] This applies even if the Avel is a Kohen and there is no other Kohen available in the Minyan. [Rather a Yisrael is to be called up in his […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Accidentally skipped Nishmas-Making up between Yishtabach and Yotzer Or
Question: [Thursday, 25th Shevat 5782] On Shabbos, towards the end of the blessing of Yishtabach, I realized that I forgot to say Nishmas [I went straight to Yishtabach after finishing Az Yashir]. May I make it up now and read between Yishtabach and the blessing of Yotzer Or? Answer: […]
Snow in Halacha
Snow in Halacha: A. Netilas Yadayim with snow:[1] If there is no water available for one to wash his hands in the morning, or for the sake of eating bread, then if one crushes and melts the snow, then one may wash with it from a vessel, or even dip […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Deducting from Maaser a free or discounted service or product that one gives to a poor person or Mosad
Question: [Wednesday, 24th Shevat, 5782] I work as a website technician and do some website volunteer work for a charity organization. May I deduct the amount of income that I could charge for such work from my Maaser obligations. For example, if I put in 10 hours a month for […]
How many people are needed to answer for Chazaras Hashatz-Part 2
How many people are needed to answer for Chazaras Hashatz-Part 2 If a person begins Shemoneh Esrei together with the Chazan by Chazaras Hashatz, can he be considered as one of the nine answers, and therefore only eight answers are required? Some Poskim[1] rule that a person who begins Shemoneh […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Domestic violence: The Torah’s view, and reaching out for proper guidance
Question: [Tuesday, 23rd Shevat 5782] Unfortunately, I am in an abusive relationship with my husband. While the abuse does not happen every day, it is not uncommon, and I do live in fear of him getting angry and losing his temper when things are not done according to his will […]
How many people are needed to answer for Chazaras Hashatz-Part 1
How many people are needed to answer for Chazaras Hashatz?[1] A. Introduction: A Davar Shebekedusha, which includes the saying of Kaddish, Kedusha, Barchu, requires a Minyan of ten adult men in the room for it to be allowed to be said.[2] In addition to the requirement of having a minyan, […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Pledging charity in one’s mind
Question: [Monday 22nd Shevat 5782] I made a pledge in my mind to give a certain amount of charity to a certain cause. I have since rethought of whether I should give this pledge. Must I do so, or since I did not verbalize the pledge, it is not considered […]