Eating garlic on Pesach:[1] Garlic is not Chametz, or Kitniyos, and is thus permitted to be eaten over Pesach.[2] Nevertheless, there are those who are accustomed not to eat garlic on Pesach.[3] Those families who are accustomed to follow this custom are not to swerve from it.[4] However, those families […]
Checklist of reminders for Bedikas Chametz, Erev Pesach, Night of Seder
Checklist for Bedikas Chametz Bedikas Chametz-Night of the 14th: Wrap 10 pieces of hard bread in paper in a way that they will not crumble out. Hide the pieces and take note of their whereabouts. Do not perform Melacha, eat a meal, or learn Torah within a half hour before […]
From the Rav’s Desk: List of Kosher for Pesach foods and products 5782
Question: [Wednesday, 12th Nissan, 5782] Can you provide a list of products and foods that do not need to be kosher for Pesach? Answer: Most processed foods require special certification for Pesach as innocent as they may seem due to that Chametz is commonly used in the processing of many […]
Laws relating to when Pesach falls on Shabbos-Part 2
Laws relating to when Pesach falls on Shabbos-Part 2 2. Friday night: A. Maariv:[1] When [the first night of] Pesach falls on Friday evening, one begins the Maariv prayer from Mizmor Ledavid [psalm 29], [omitting all the Psalms from Lechu Neranina until Mizmor Ledavid].[2] [One recites the entire Nussach from […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Kashrus of essential oils for Pesach
Question: [Tuesday, 11th Nissan, 5782] Must essential oils be Kosher for Pesach? Answer: If plan to consume: If you would like to consume the essential oil and add them to a recipe, then they are to be certified or verified as Kosher for Pesach. This certainly applies to not […]
Laws for when Pesach falls on Shabbos-Part 1
Laws relating to when Pesach falls on Shabbos-Part 1 1. Erev Pesach: A. Taanis Bechoros-Fast of the first born:[1] When Pesach falls on Shabbos, the firstborns fast on Erev Shabbos, which is also Erev Pesach. B. Making the Charoses:[2] When Pesach falls on Shabbos one is required to prepare [i.e. […]
From the Rav’s Desk: How to do Biur Maasros-This year
Donate Question: [Monday 10th Nissan, 5782] I heard that this year we need to perform Biur Maasros before Pesach. Can you please explain to me the details of how this is done? Answer: The following is a summary of points regarding the mitzvah of Biur Maasros: It only needs to […]
The laws of Pesach-Summary-Part 9-Kashering-Part 4 Hagalah
Donate How does one do Hagalah? Having an expert do the Hagalah: Since the laws of Hagalah involve many details, it should only be done by one who is expert in its laws. When to Kasher: It is proper for a person to be careful to perform Hagalah to his […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Getting a head start on Bedikas Chametz-Starting Bedikas Chametz prior to the night of the 14th
Question: [Sunday, 9th Nisan, 5782] Baruch Hashem, we have been blessed with a large home and I do not find it physically possible to be able to perform Bedikas Chametz to our entire house in one night. Can I get a head start and do it already beforehand to some […]
The laws of Pesach-Summary-Part 8-Kashering 3
Donate How to Kasher-List of items: Pots, Cutlery and Kitchenware Forks/Spoons: All forks, spoons and other cutlery made of Kasherable material, such as silver or stainless steel, is to be Kashered through Hagalah. Knives: It is a Mitzvah Min Hamuvchar for all those which have the capability of doing […]