Shehechiyanu during Sefira part 2: C. May one eat a Shehechiyanu fruit during Sefira? Those who are accustomed to avoiding saying Shehechiyanu during the period of Sefira, are to avoid eating new fruits during the weekdays of Sefira. One may, however, eat new fruits on Shabbos and Lag Baomer, as […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Immersing vessels [i.e. Tevilas Keilim] at night
Question: [Wednesday, 17th Iyar, 5782] Is there any issue with performing Tevilas Keilim [i.e. immersing new vessels] at night? I have heard many times that we don’t do so at night. Is this true? Answer: It is permitted even initially to immerse vessels at night. Nonetheless, one should only do […]
Reciting Shehechiyanu during Sefira-Part 1
Reciting Shehechiyanu during Sefira-Part 1: A. The letter of the law & custom:[1] Letter of law:[2] From the letter of the law, it is permitted to recite the blessing of Shehechiyanu during Sefira.[3] The custom:[4] Nevertheless, despite the letter of the law, many are accustomed to abstaining from saying the […]
Is there a Mitzvah and Halachic obligation to visit Eretz Yisrael-Part 1
Is there a Mitzvah and Halachic obligation to visit Eretz Yisrael-Part 1?[1] A. The law: Obligation: It is debated amongst the Poskim[2] as to whether there is a positive Biblical command and obligation to dwell in Eretz Yisrael even during times of exile. According to all opinions, however, there is […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Asked if today is this and this day of Sefira-is he Yotzei?
Question: [Sunday, 14th Iyar, 5782] An individual called me at night and asked me if today is the 25th night of counting and I answered him that it was, but told him that I was unsure if he can now say a blessing being that he already said the correct […]
The prohibitions against delaying payment to a worker
Paying a worker/employee on time:[1] One is [Biblically] required to pay a worker on time. If one delays payment of a worker he transgresses a Biblical negative command [and according to some Poskim[2] he also transgresses a Biblical positive command]. The prohibitions to delay payment: The verse[3] states “Beyomo Titen […]
Marrying a Kohenes
Marrying a Kohenes:[1] An Am Haaretz/Ignoramus is not to marry a Kohenes. If he does so, their marriage will not be successful, as either she or he will quickly die or they will be in constant fight with each other [or they will be poor[2]].[3] However, a Sage who marries […]
Is pasteurized wine considered Mevushal
Is pasteurized wine considered cooked?[1] In order for wine to become “protected” from becoming Yayin Nesech due to touch of a gentile, it must be Mevushal/cooked.[2] The definition of cooked is that the wine has been heated over a fire[3] to the point that it diminished its quantity [i.e. evaporated] […]
Does a walk in closet need a Mezuzah
Does a walk in closet need a Mezuzah?[1] This follows the same ruling as any other room and is determined by its size. If the closet is less than 4×4 but is spacious enough to walk inside of, then it is subject to the dispute regarding if and where a […]
Danger During Sefira
May one swim or visit the beach during Sefira? Yes.[1] However, some Poskim[2] rule one must avoid doing so due to danger. May one travel during Sefira? Yes.[3] However, some Poskim[4] rule one must avoid doing so due to danger. Question: [Monday, 21st Iyar 5781] Must one avoid doing […]