Garbage-Moving a garbage bag or garbage bin:[1] The moving of a garbage bag or a garbage bin on Shabbos enters into the question of whether it has the status of Muktzah, and if so, under which circumstances it is permitted to be moved under the rule of Geraf Shel Reiy, […]
The status of a Kohen who is a Challal
The status of a Kohen who is a Challal [born from forbidden relations]:[1] A Challal is a Kohen who is desecrated from his priesthood position, and is hence not considered like a non-Kohen regarding all matters, as we will explain below. A. Who is defined as a Challal?[2] Biblical-Issureiy Kehuna: […]
Must a married women cover the hair of her sideburns and below the nape
Must a married [or once married] woman cover her sideburns and others hair that protrude past the regular hair of the head? Some Poskim[1] rule that a married woman is not required to cover the little amount of her hair that extends past her “Tzemasan” [which refers to a snood […]
Giving charity & Maaser if one owes money to others
Giving charity and Maaser if one owes money to others: A. Background: The obligation to pay back owed moneys:[1] It is a Biblical obligation for a person who borrowed money to pay back that money that he owes. One who does not do so transgresses the verse[2] of “Loveh Rasha […]
Calling up relatives to get Aliya one after the other
Today’s Daily Halacha is an excerpt from this Sefer. Buy Here! Calling up relatives to Aliya’s one after the other:[1] From the letter of the law, it is permitted to call two relatives to the Torah for an Aliyah one after the other. This applies whether they are brothers or […]
From the Rav’s Desk: What happened on the 20th of Sivan and is it still accustomed to fast on this day?
Question: [Monday, 20th Iyar 5781] What happened on the 20th of Sivan and is it still accustomed to fast on this day? Answer: The 20th of Sivan used to be in accustomed fast day which commemorated certain tragedies that occurred in both France and Poland in which Jews were persecuted […]
The custom of giving Tzedaka during Davening when saying the words “Veata Moshel Bakol”
The custom of giving Tzedaka during Davening when saying the words “Veata Moshel Bakol”:[1] Background: The Poskim[2] rule, based on the Talmud[3], that it is proper to give charity prior to Davening [i.e. Shemoneh Esrei[4]].[5] Doing so helps to remove foreign thoughts from entering one’s mind during prayer.[6] Likewise, doing […]
Should one say Hagomel after recovering from being sick
Should one say Hagomel after recovering from being sick?[1] There are four occurrences which render one obligated to recite the blessing of Hagomel and one of them is a person who was sick and then fully[2] recovered.[3] The type of illness: Some Poskim[4] rule that the blessing of Hagomel is […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Which Bracha should I recite on frozen wine or grape juice ice pops?
Question: [Monday, 14th Sivan, 5782] Which Bracha should I recite on frozen wine or Kedem grape juice ice pops [100% wine and grape juice]? Answer: It is questionable whether the blessing of frozen wine is Shehakol or Hagafen or Haeitz, and therefore you should either make all three blessings on […]
The accustomed dates for visiting the grave of a deceased relative-Part 2
The accustomed dates for visiting the grave of a deceased relative-Part 2:[1] C. End of 12th month:[2] Some[3] are accustomed to go to the cemetery and visit the grave of the deceased on the last day of mourning, which is the last day of the 12th month.[4] [By a non-leap […]