Question: [Thursday, 12th Shevat 5783] I am a Chiyuv l”a and Daven every day for the Amud for the passing of my father Hakam. For the recital of the daily Tehillim that we say after Davening, I am accustomed to turn around and say it by the Bima [we have […]
The Geder of Davar Lach versus Davar Yaveish: May one reheat a wet and moist food on Shabbos-How wet is considered wet
The Geder of Davar Lach versus Davar Yaveish: May one reheat a wet and moist food on Shabbos-How wet is considered wet?[1] *Important note: This article does not deal with the subject of reheating congealed gravy, or foods with congealed gravy, on Shabbos. Melting congealed gravy on Shabbos contains both […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Saying the Tehillim of one’s children as a Segula for one’s children to remain Torah observant
Question: [Wednesday, 10th Shevat, 5783] Should one recite one’s children’s Tehillim? What is this a Segula for? Answer: Yes. It is an old tradition, reiterated by the Rebbe Rayatz, for one to read daily the chapter of Tehillim which corresponds to the age of one’s sons and daughters, and […]
Minhagei Yartzite for Yud Shvat
Minhagei Yartzite for Yud Shvat From a letter of the Rebbe printed in Igros Kodesh 4:143 Aliyah: On the Shabbos prior to the Yarzeit, each Chassid should attempt to receive an Aliyah to the Torah.[1] Not enough Aliyos: If there are not enough Aliyos available, the Torah should be read [a number of times] in different rooms. No […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Which direction is one to face by Kiddush Levana?
Question: [Sunday, 7th 5783] Which direction is one to face by Kiddush Levana? I always thought that one is to face the moon and my friend told me last night to face Mizrach. Which is correct? Answer: One is to face Jerusalem [i.e. Mizrach in USA] upon saying Kiddush Levana, […]
Saying Yishtabach immediately after Az Yashir
Saying Yishtabach immediately after Az Yashir:[1] One is to recite Yishtabach immediately after Az Yashir, without making any interval in-between.[2] This applies even on Shabbos and Yom Tov. Thus, in the event that the Chazan is not yet up to Yishtabach, as commonly occurs on Shabbos and Yom Tov in […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Should a man or boy say his own Kiddush rather than be Yotzei with his father?
Question: [Thursday, 4th Shevat 5783] I am a Chabad Bochur, and the custom in my family has always been for my father to make Kiddush and have everyone else fulfill their obligation. I was recently told in my yeshiva that the Chabad custom is for everyone to make their own […]
When on Erev Shabbos is one to begin the preparations for Shabbos?
When on Erev Shabbos is one to begin the preparations for Shabbos?[1] Begin the preparations in the morning:[2] One is to always wake up early on Erev Shabbos in order to begin working and preparing for the needs of Shabbos in the morning of Erev Shabbos.[3] Add in preparations also […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Saying two Pesukim at the end of Shemoneh Esrei if one has two names
Question: [Wednesday, 25th Teves 5783] I have two names, Shalom Dovber [or maybe even three?], and wanted to know how many Pesukim I should say for my name at the end of Shemoneh Esrei, one, only for my first name Shalom, or also a second Pasuk for my name Dov? […]
Ayin Hara Part 3-Ayin Hara in Halacha
Examples of Ayin Hara in Halacha: Orach Chaim: Father and son by Aliyah:[1] From the letter of the law, it is permitted to call two relatives to the Torah for an Aliyah one after the other. This applies whether they are brothers or father and son. However, the custom is […]