Thursday, 2nd Adar 5783/Februray 23, 2023 Purchase Sefer Parshas Teruma, Chamishi The Paroches: The material: You shall make a Paroches of Ticheiles wool, Argamon wool, scarlet wool, and twisted linen. It is to be the work of an artist. The beams which hold the Paroches: The Paroches is to be […]
The Month of Adar-Marbim Besimcha & Court Cases
The Month of Adar Marbim Besimcha:[1] One is to increase in joy throughout the month of Adar.[2] [Hence one is to rejoice himself, his wife and children during this month, similar to the Mitzvah of rejoicing them on Yom Tov.[3] Included in this Mitzvah is increasing in all matters that give […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Whom may a Kerus Shafcha Kohen marry?
Question: [Wednesday, 1st Adar, 5783] Due to a serious life-threatening illness a male relative of mine have to have their reproductive organs removed. Now, this individual is a Kohen and is looking to get married. Whom are they allowed to marry? On the one hand a Kohen may not marry […]
Daily Chitas [Chumash, Tanya] & Rambam Summaries [1st Adar 5783]
Wednesday, 1st Adar 5783/Februray 22, 2023 Parshas Teruma, Revi’i 1. The Kerashim/beams: · You shall make beams for the Mishkan. Make 20 beams for the southern side and 20 beams for the northern side. The west side is to have 6 beams, plus two corner beams, for a total of […]
From the Rav’s Desk: How is one to fulfill the mitzvah of Marbim Besimcha in the month of Adar?
Question: [Tuesday, 30th Shevat 5783] I know that when the month of Adar comes, we are supposed to increase in joy. What however does this practically mean? If I love milk chocolate, should I increase in eating milk chocolates during the month of Adar? Is this truly the meaning of […]
The process of determining Rosh Chodesh in times of the Sanhedrin
The process of determining Rosh Chodesh in times of the Sanhedrin?[1] Rosh Chodesh is determined based on when the new orbit of the moon begins and when the new moon can be seen. This itself can be determined in one of two ways: a) Calculating the Molad and calculating as […]
From the Rav’s Desk: What does one do if he only has Rabbeinu Tam Tefillin available for wearing and Mivtzaim?
Question: [Monday, 29th Shevat, 5783] I accidentally took my Rabbeinu Tam Tefillin with me on Mivtzaim. What should I do? May I do Mivtzaim with my Rabbeinu Tam Tefillin, and with or without a blessing? Answer: In such a case, you may do Mivtza Tefillin with your Tefillin of […]
Understanding Kiddush Hachodesh and the Jewish Calendar-Part 1
Understanding Kiddush Hachodesh and the Jewish Calendar–Part 1 *Important note: The Halachos in this chapter are based mainly on the rulings of the Rambam in his section on Kiddush Hachodesh. Although there exists several other opinions in Geonim and Rishonim regarding certain topics discussed here, they are beyond the scope […]
From the Rav’s Desk: The story of “The longest Pesach”: Fact or fiction?
Question: [Sunday, 28th Shevat 5783] Shmuel Kunda of blessed memory is renowned for his story takes for children. To the best of my knowledge, I understand [as is self-evident] that at least some of his stories are fabrications. I was wondering regarding the story of the longest Pesach if you […]
May one wear more than one pair of Tallis Katan at a time?
Bal Tosif by Tzitzis-May one wear more than one pair of Tallis Katan at a time? A. Introduction-The prohibition of Bal Tosif:[1] The Torah prohibits one from adding to the commands. The interpretation, however, of this prohibition varies based on the type and form of addition and hence by every […]