Question: I am a private practitioner and have a private clinic at home where I see patients. Is it okay for me to see a girl together with her mother if my wife is out of town or is this considered Yichud? Answer: Although there are some Poskim who […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Must one immerse a peeler in the Mikveh?
Question: Must one immerse a peeler in the Mikveh? Answer: Yes. If it will be also used for peeling foods that are edible raw, such as an Apple or carrot and the like, then it is to be immersed with a blessing. However, if it will only be used […]
Buying and wearing new clothing during the Nine Days
Buying and wearing new clothing: A. Buying clothing during the nine days:[1] It is forbidden to buy clothing during the nine days.[2] [This applies even to used clothing.[3]] This prohibition applies even against buying shoes [and undergarments, such as socks, undershirts and underwear[4]].[5] [This applies even if one does not […]
From the Rav’s Desk: May one answer Amen in middle of Yishtabach?
Question: May one answer Amen Yihei Shmei Raba for Kaddish in middle of the blessing of Yishtabach? Answer: No. Once one has begun the words of Baruch Ata Hashem in the conclusion of the blessing, one may no longer answer for a regular Amen. However, it is disputed amongst […]
From the Rav’s Desk: How important is it to cut my nails on every Erev Shabbos?
Question: How important is it to cut my nails on every Erev Shabbos? What if I cut them just once a month when they are long? Answer: It is a Mitzvah to cut one’s hand nails on every Erev Shabbos. This is to be included within one’s Erev Shabbos […]
The obligation to desecrating Shabbos in order to help save someone’s life
The obligation to help save someone’s life even if it involves desecrating Shabbos: A. The Mitzvah and its reason:[1] One who has a life-threatening illness it is a Mitzvah [and obligation[2]] to transgress Shabbos on his behalf [to help heal him] and those who act with alacrity [and do so […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Is there any issue with making a Siyum Misechta by a wedding?
Question: Is there any issue with making a Siyum Misechta by a wedding? Answer: No, there is no issue and this is not considered to be mixing one joy with another joy. Sources: See Sheilas Rav [Rav Chaim Kanievsky] 1:8 p. 57; Keren Orah Moed Katan 8b
Not to replicate the form of hands of the Kohanim by Nesias Kapayim
Not to replicate the form of hands of the Kohanim by Nesias Kapayim:[1] One is not to replicate the form of hands of the Kohanim which they make by Nesias Kapayim [with the fingers straight and facing up[2]], as doing so arouses the ten powers of the side of evil […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Does the presence of a mother break Yichud for her son and another woman
Question: I am a young Bochur and need to go to a private female practitioner who works from her home for a certain medical procedure. Is it Yichud for me to go if I visit her together with my mother? She is not married. Answer: This matter is disputed […]
Yichud with a woman and her mother/daughter in-law
Yichud with a woman and her mother/daughter in-law:[1] It is permitted to be in Yichud with a woman and her mother/daughter in-law.[2] [This refers to her husband’s mother, her son’s wife.[3] It is permitted to be in Yichud with such a pair even at night.[4] This allowance applies even if […]