Taanis Esther-A Yom Segula: The Kav Hayashar[1] writes that on Taanis Esther the gates of mercy are open, and it is hence an auspicious time for Hashem to accept one’s prayers. On this day one should recite psalm 22, which was recited in reference to Esther[2], and then supplicate […]
Drinking Ad Delo Yada-The obligation and meaning
Lebesumei-Drinking alcohol:[1] Men are obligated[2] to get drunk [on wine[3]] on Purim to the point they cannot differ between “blessed is Mordechai and cursed is Haman”.[4] [This is included within the Mitzvah of Seudas Purim.[5]] Others[6] however rule there is no need to drink alcohol to this point, and […]
The Mishloach Manos Menu
Mishloach Manos-What is one to send-Must one send two different blessings?[1] One needs to send at least two[2] gifts of meat or other foods to one person. [Today the custom is to send sweets as Mishloach Manos.[3] There is no requirement that the gifts be of two different blessings. […]
How much is one to give towards Matanas Laevyonim?
How much must one give for Matanos Laevyonim? Some Poskim[1] rule that the minimum amount for Matanos Laevyonim is a Peruta. Thus, if one gives the equivalent of a peruta worth to each pauper he has fulfilled his obligation. [This is a very minimal amount, being worth today, Adar […]
Kiddush Levana prior to Zayin Sheleimim & Zayin Adar
The Molad of this past month of Adar was on Sunday, the 30th of Shevat at 6:20 AM. Accordingly, this past Motzei Shabbos was not yet seven complete days past the Molad and the question is asked regarding if one may have recited Kiddush Levana last night. Must one […]
The laws of reading Megillah
Summary of the laws of reading Megillah: Who is obligated in the Megillah reading? Every Jew is obligated in the Megillah reading. This obligation includes women. Children [boys and girls, who have reached the age of Chinuch], are educated to hear the Megillah once by night and once by […]
Missed a word during the reading of Megillah
One who missed a word or part of the reading?[1] The reader must read every word of the Megillah.[2] If he skipped a verse[3], or even one word[4], or even one letter[5], he and the congregation do not fulfill their obligation. The same applies for the listener; if he […]
Marbim Besimcha
Marbim Besimcha:[1] One is to increase in joy throughout the month of Adar.[2] [Hence one is to rejoice himself, his wife and children during this month, similar to the Mitzvah of rejoicing them on Yom Tov.[3] Included in this Mitzvah is increasing in all matters that give one joy.[4] However […]
Must one dry his cup/plate prior to pouring into it from a Keli Rishon?
Using a set Keli Sheiyni-Must one dry his cup/plate prior to pouring into it from a Keli Rishon?[1] Example: One takes a washed clean glass cup from the dish wrack to make himself a coffee on Shabbos. Must one dry his cup prior to pouring into it? What about if […]
Sitting next to opposite gender on bus or plane
May one sit next to the opposite gender on a bus?[1] From the letter of the law, there is no prohibition involved in sitting near a person of the opposite gender. This applies whether on a bus, train or airplane, in which a man may be seated next to a […]