What are the reasons mentioned behind eating dairy products on Shavuos? Commemoration of Shtei Halechem:[1] Dairy products are eaten in commemoration of the Shtei Halechem offering, which consisted of two loaves [i.e. two meals], which were brought on Shavuos. We thus eat two meals with bread, one dairy and one […]
The laws of Borer-Removing a solid from within a liquid
The laws of Borer-Removing a solid from within a liquid:[1] Small solids:[2] Small solids retain all the Borer restrictions with regards to removing them from liquid or vice versa. Thus, separating small pieces of onion, chicken, vegetables from soup contains the Borer restrictions. Likewise, removing a fly or hair from […]
Placing plants and trees in the Shul and in one’s home on Shavuos
Placing plants and trees in the Shul and in one’s home:[1] It is customary to spread plants[2] and stand trees[3] in Shul and in one’s house in honor of Shavuos. [However, some Poskim[4] abolished this custom due to it being simialr to the gentiles.[5] Other Poskim[6] defend its practice. Practically, […]
Until when can the blessing of Asher Yatzar be recited
What is the law if one forgot to recite Asher Yatzar and went to the bathroom a second time?[1] One who relieved himself, and forgot to recite Asher Yatzar and then went to the bathroom a second time, is not required to recite Asher Yatzar twice after the second time. […]
Second marriages-Sheva Brachos & Simcha
Second marriage: A. Sheva Brachos:[1] Both spouses second marriage: If a widower married a widow then the Sheva Brachos only takes place on the first day of the wedding [i.e. the day of the Chuppah]. [Furthermore, the blessings are only said by the first meal that takes place that day […]
Is Tevilas Keilim a Biblical or Rabbinical command?
Is Tevilas Keilim a Biblical or Rabbinical command? Some Poskim[1] rule that the Mitzvah of Tevilas Keilim, immersing vessels, is a Biblical obligation.[2] Other Poskim[3] rule the Mitzvah of immersing vessels is a Rabbinical obligation.[4] Practically, we rule like the former opinion, that Tevilas Keilim is a Biblical obligation.[5] Nevertheless, […]
Shabbos Electric urn
May an electric water urn be used for Shabbos?[1] The water is heated based on a thermostat: Some Poskim[2] rule a thermostat based electric water urn may not be used on Shabbos as the amount of water that is in the pot effects when the heat will turn on and […]
Are buttons of clothing Muktzah on Shabbos?
Are buttons of clothing Muktzah on Shabbos? New buttons: New buttons are Muktzah on Shabbos.[1] However, it is disputed as to which level of Muktzah they contain. Some Poskim[2] rule that they are MM”I [Muktzah Machmas Issur, or Keli Shemilachto Lissur] and thus may be moved to use their space […]
Isru Chag & Eating before return sale of Chametz
1. Isru Chag:[1] The name:[2] The day after each of the three Holidays is called Isru Chag.[3] The name Isru Chag derives from the verse “Isru Chag Baavosim Ad Karnei Hamizbeiach”. This means to say that this day is to be attached [i.e. Isru] to the Holiday itself, and by […]
Eating the Matzah and Afikoman before Chatzos & Summary of Laws pertaining to the Seder
Eating the Matzah before Chatzos By what time does the Afikoman have to be eaten by?[1] One must beware to eat the Afikoman prior to midnight.[2] [The Chabad custom is to be particular in this matter only on the first night of Seder, while on the second night one […]