Peeled eggs, onions and garlic left overnight:[1] One may not eat peeled garlic or a peeled onion or a peeled egg which stayed overnight.[2] [One who eats this food enters himself into danger.[3]] If the food was in a bag or container:[4] The above prohibition applies even if the peeled […]
Standing for Vanachnu Lo Neida in Tachanun
“Vanachnu Lo Neida” Standing at the end of Tachanun: In the paragraph of “Vanachnu Lo Neida” said in the end of Tachanun, some Poskim[1] rule it is proper to recite the words “Vanachnu Lo Neida” while sitting and then stand and recite the continuation from “Mah Naaseh”. Other Poskim[2] however […]
Reading another person’s mail, emails or WhatsApp/SMS messages
Reading another person’s mail or emails:[1] The famous Ashkenazi leader of the early middle ages, Rabbeinu Gershon Maor Hagoleh, instituted a Cherem [excommunication] against anyone who reads the mail of another person without permission. [This Cherem spread to all sects of Jewry, Sefaradim and Ashkenazim, and does not have a […]
The law of blood found in an egg
The law of blood found in an egg:[1] The Torah prohibits one to eat blood of a creature. The Talmud and Poskim discuss whether this prohibition applies also to blood found in an egg. In other words, is the blood in an egg considered the blood of a creature or […]
Does placing a hand on one’s head suffice in place of a Yarmulke?
Does placing a hand on one’s head suffice in place of a Yarmulke? It is forbidden for men to sit, walk[1] or say a blessing[2] without a head covering. The following will discuss whether placing a hand on one’s hand is considered a valid head covering in a situation that […]
Making tea on Shabbos
Making tea on Shabbos: A. The general rule of Keli Rishon/Sheiyni/Shelishi: It is Biblically forbidden to place uncooked foods into a Yad Soledes[1] [110 Fahrenheit or 45 Celsius[2]] Keli Rishon[3], Iruiy Keli Rishon[4], or very hot Keli Sheiyni[5], on Shabbos. Certain uncooked foods, however, such as spices[6] and liquids[7], may […]
Is a signed document legally binding if one was unaware of its content?
Is a signed document legally binding if one was unaware of its content?[1] Example 1: One signed a collage of bank documents affirming a loan, mortgage, bank account, or other matter of the like. Naturally, one did not take the time to read the fine print spread across all 50 […]
May a man and a group of women be alone together?
May a man and a group of women be alone together?[1] *Important note: There are several circumstances that can break a Yichud prohibition between a man and women, such as a Shomer, child, wife/husband in area. Pesach Pasuach to public, etc. The following law does not come to negate any […]
May a child be trusted to immerse a vessel?
May a child be trusted to immerse a vessel?[1] A child [who is below Bar/Bas Mitzvah] may not be trusted [alone] to immerse a vessel in the Mikveh.[2] However, if the child immerses the vessel in the presence [and under the supervision] of an adult [male or female above Bar/Bas […]
Educating one’s son to Daven Maariv and say the morning Shema
Are children obligated to recite the Shema?[1] Below age of Chinuch:[2] A child who is below the age of Chinuch is exempt from reciting Keiras Shema [by night and day].[3] Above age of Chinuch: A son who has reached the age of Chinuch is obligated in Shema [of both morning […]