Moving a pen or pencil on Shabbos: An inexpensive pen or pencil that one is not particular with: Muktzah contains various categories, each with their pertinent laws or moving regulations. A typical inexpensive pen or pencil which one is not particular against using it for other purposes due to fear […]
Circumventing the Issur of eating peeled Onion/garlic/eggs that stayed overnight
Does it help to mix the peeled egg/onion/garlic with other foods? Some Poskim[1] rule that the above prohibition only applies if the peeled egg/onion/garlic stayed overnight without being mixed with other foods. If, however it was mixed with other foods then it is permitted. Thus, if one adds oil or […]
Blessing on onion rings
Blessing on onion rings [i.e. rings of onion coated with breadcrumbs]:[1] Onion rings are typically made through coating a ring of an onion in a flour-based dip, and then deep frying it. In addition to the flour-based dip, some also coat the ring with dry bread crumbs, hence adding a […]
Matza purchasing guidelines-What are 18 minute from the table Matzas?
Understanding 18 minutes from table Matzos versus 18 minutes from kneading Matzos: Some Matzah bakeries offer two different types of Matzah, one being 18 minutes from the table and the second being 18 minutes from the kneading. The 18 minutes from kneading Matzas are traditionally more expensive. To the unaware, […]
Hagba-How many pages to show the congregation?
How many pages is one to show the congregation during Hagbah? One is to show [up to[1]] three columns of the Sefer Torah to the congregation upon performing Hagbah.[2] Possibly, one is to show exactly three columns [and not less or more].[3] Some Poskim[4] however rule that it is […]
How much is one to give for the Half Shekel?
* This article is an excerpt from the above Sefer Shop Now *As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. WhatsApp Facebook Twitter Telegram Sign up for Daily Distribution Sponsor an Episode How much is one to give for the Half Shekel?[1] One is to give three coins […]
Who may be given Matanos Laevyonim-Who is considered a pauper?
Who may be given Matanos Laevyonim-Who is considered a pauper? Some Poskim[1] rule that only those paupers who are extremely poor [and are beggars[2]] are considered Evyonim, and are to be given Matanos Laevyonim.[3] Other Poskim[4] rule that anyone who is poor, even not to the extreme mentioned above, is […]
The small letters of “Taf” “Shin” “Zayin” and their eerie connection
The small letters of “Taf” “Shin” “Zayin” It is customary to write in a smaller script three letters that are found within the names of the ten sons of Haman. These letters are: A small Taf in “Parshandasa”. A small Shin in “Parmashta” and a small Zayin in “Vayzasa”. It […]
Must women hear the reading of Parshas Zachor?
Must women hear the reading of Parshas Zachor? It is a Biblical obligation to hear Parshas Zachor.[1] Some Poskim[2] rule women are not obligated to hear Parshas Zachor.[3] Other Poskim[4] rule they are obligated just like men.[5] Practically the custom amongst many women is to treat the reading as an […]
Tips and Gratuity fees-Is one Halachically obligated to give a tip for a service he received, [i.e. waiter, cab driver, bartender, mover, etc]?
Tips and Gratuity fees-Is one Halachically obligated to give a tip for a service he received, [i.e. waiter, cab driver, bartender, mover, etc]? A. Legal background: It is customary in many countries to leave a tip, or gratuity fee, for those who provide certain services, in addition to the basic […]