Fish and Dairy [Milk Cheese Butter]

Fish with dairy:[1] There is no Basar Bechalav prohibition involved in cooking and/or eating fish with milk, even Rabbinically.[2] Nonetheless, the Poskim debate as to whetehr it is forbidden to eat the two together due to danger, similar to the prohibition of eating fish and meat together due to danger. […]

Eating processed foods on Pesach

This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Processed foods:[1] It is a renowned Chabad custom to avoid eating all processed foods on Pesach, as much as possible.[2] Matzah and wine: The above custom is with exception to Matzah and wine, which due to inability to self produce, […]

Counters and Tables-Koshering

This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Counters/tables:[1] It is customary of all Jewry to Kasher counters and tables that are used with hot foods during the year.[2] Likewise, tables which are used without a tablecloth during the year, or are used with a thin cotton/linen/polyester tablecloth, […]

Punishing and disciplining on Shabbos

Punishments on Shabbos: Court hearings:[1] Court cases involving monetary matters are not adjudicated on Shabbos.[2] Punishments and imprisonment:[3] Punishments are not delivered on Shabbos [and in certain cases it is a Biblical prohibition to do so[4]].[5] [Some Rishonim list this prohibition as one of the 365 negative commands, in addition […]