Fish with dairy:[1] There is no Basar Bechalav prohibition involved in cooking and/or eating fish with milk, even Rabbinically.[2] Nonetheless, the Poskim debate as to whetehr it is forbidden to eat the two together due to danger, similar to the prohibition of eating fish and meat together due to danger. […]
How to answer if one is asked “What day of Sefira is it today?
This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on How to answer if one is asked “What day of Sefira is it today?”[1] If one is asked by another person “What is the day of Sefira tonight?”, then if he is asked this question at night, prior to […]
May grape juice be used for the four cups during the Seder?
May grape juice be used for the four cups?[1] All wines that are valid for Kiddush on the other Holidays and Shabbos, are also valid for use for the four cups.[2] The following is the law of using grape juice for Kiddush on Shabbos, Yom Tov, and consequently for […]
Eating processed foods on Pesach
This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Processed foods:[1] It is a renowned Chabad custom to avoid eating all processed foods on Pesach, as much as possible.[2] Matzah and wine: The above custom is with exception to Matzah and wine, which due to inability to self produce, […]
Counters and Tables-Koshering
This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Counters/tables:[1] It is customary of all Jewry to Kasher counters and tables that are used with hot foods during the year.[2] Likewise, tables which are used without a tablecloth during the year, or are used with a thin cotton/linen/polyester tablecloth, […]
Mitzvas Sipur Yetzias Mitzrayim- Telling the story to one’s son, daughter, and family
Mitzvas Sipur Yetzias Mitzrayim- Telling the story to one’s son, daughter, and family:[1] A father is obligated to tell the story of the exodus to his son [and daughter[2] who has reached the age of Chinuch[3], and wife and family].[4] This applies even if they do not ask him and […]
Punishing and disciplining on Shabbos
Punishments on Shabbos: Court hearings:[1] Court cases involving monetary matters are not adjudicated on Shabbos.[2] Punishments and imprisonment:[3] Punishments are not delivered on Shabbos [and in certain cases it is a Biblical prohibition to do so[4]].[5] [Some Rishonim list this prohibition as one of the 365 negative commands, in addition […]
Can one Kasher glass vessels for Pesach?
This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Can one Kasher glass vessels for Pesach:[1] It is disputed amongst the Poskim as to whether glass vessels need to be Kashered even if used for hot Chametz foods or if it has the same status as earthenware and cannot […]
The Kashrus status of Yoga, Eastern Meditations and Therapies
Yoga/Meditations/Therapies:[1] Rabbinical supervision: Yoga[2] and many eastern meditations, contain aspects of idolatry that are forbidden for a Jew, of which one is required to give up his life rather than perform. Nonetheless, the aspect of seclusion and meditation in it of itself does not contain idolatry and is not Halachically […]
Understanding the difference between Rasham versus Rashi Matzos and which one should one purchase
Understanding Rasham versus Rashi: Some Matzah bakeries offer two different types of Matzah; one called Rasham and the second called Rashi. The Rashi Matzas are traditionally more expensive. To the unaware, this may seem like Matzas which follow two different opinions of Rishonim, however, in truth it does not refer […]