Erasing the name of G-d: In Hebrew/Lashon Hakodesh:[1] It is Biblically forbidden to erase even one letter of the seven names of G-d. These names include: [These names are:[2] Yud Kei Vav Kei[3]; Adniy; Keil; Eloka; Elokim; Elokaiy[4]; Shakaiy; Tzevakos[5]; Eh-yeh[6].] In other languages:[7] A name of G-d which is […]
Until what time may the morning Shema be recited-Understanding the Luach of Sof Zman Kerias Shema-Part 2
Until what time may the morning Shema be recited-Understanding the Luach of Sof Zman Kerias Shema? From when do the three hours begin?[1] The three hours begin from the start of the morning.[2] It is however disputed amongst the Poskim as to when the morning begins in this regard. Some […]
Until what time may the morning Shema be recited-Part 1
Until what time may the morning Shema be recited-Understanding the Luach of Sof Zman Kerias Shema? It is a Biblical command for men[1] to recite Kerias Shema every morning.[2] The morning Kerias Shema may [Biblically[3]] be recited up until the passing of three hours into the day.[4] Thus, one must […]
One who forgot to light Shabbos candles before Shekia-Asking a gentile to light-Part 2
Having a gentile light on one’s behalf:[1] If a woman [or man[2]] [Chas Veshalom[3]] forgot to light candles before Bein Hashmashos [i.e. sunset] and remembered during the period of Bein Hashmashos [i.e. before nightfall, Tzeis Hakochavim], then one may permit her [or him] to ask a gentile to light the […]
Using someone’s item without permission with intent to return-Part 1
Using someone’s item without permission:[1] It is forbidden for one to use an item that belongs to one’s friend without his permission.[2] This applies even if one only plans to use it on a mere occasion and then return it.[3] It is thus forbidden for one to visit his friend’s […]
How to pronounce Hashems name in the words “Elokim Acheirim”-with a Kuf or Hei?
How to say Hashem’s name when in reference to other gods, such as in the words “Elokim Acheirim”: From the letter of the law, it is permitted to recite the actual name “Elohim” when in reference to deities and not to Hashem, such as in the words “Elohim Acheirim.”[1] Furthermore, […]
May one do Melacha after Shabbos before saying Havdala over wine or Melaveh Malka?
May one do Melacha after Shabbos before saying Havdala over wine or Melaveh Malka? Introduction: Shabbos ends when three small stars can be seen at night.[1] One must delay doing Melacha until he sees three small stars consecutively in one line. It does not suffice with three small stars which […]
One who forgot to light candles before Shekia-Part 1
One who forgot to light candles before Shekia/sunset: The General law: Initially, one is to light candles at the set time written in the calendar for one’s location, which is commonly at least 18 minutes before sunset.[1] If one did not do so, then they may light the candles up […]
The Mitzvah to testify in Beis Din and the prohibition against giving or publicizing testimony that cannot be corroborated in court
The Mitzvah to testify in Beis Din and the prohibition against giving or publicizing testimony that cannot be corroborated in court: It is a [Biblical] command for one who witnessed a certain matter that can be of benefit to another person in Beis Din, for him to testify on this […]
In doubt as to whether a certain vessel is dairy or meaty or Pareve
If one is in doubt as to whether a certain vessel is dairy, meat, or Pareve, what is the law? If one is unsure as to a vessel’s dairy or meat status, and 12 months have not passed since its last use, then it is required to be Koshered if […]