If one did not concentrate on Poseiach Es Yadecha:[1] If one did not concentrate on the words, he must repeat [the verse of Poseiach Es Yadecha[2]] with concentration.[3] [If one remembered he did not concentrate on the verse prior to completing Ashreiy, then he is to retract to the […]
The verse of Poseiach Es Yadecha-Concentration & Customs
Poseiach Es Yadecha: The meaning: The verse of Poseiach Es Yadecha is a praise to Hashem for supervising His creations and providing them with sustenance.[1] [In Chassidus, it is explained that this verse is a request from Hashem to enter into one’s heart His Divine will and desire to be […]
Cutting medicine in half on Shabbos
May one cut a medicine in half [for one who may take medicine on Shabbos], such as to achieve a smaller dose for a child and the like?[1] Yes. The prohibition of Tikkun Keli does not apply by medicine just as it does not apply towards food, and hence one […]
May one erase the name of Hashem that is on a screen [i.e. delete the name, close the file or computer, open a new file]
May one erase the name of Hashem that is on a screen [i.e. delete the name, close the file or computer, open a new file]?[1] Background: It is forbidden to erase even one letter of the seven names of Hashem.[2] This leads to the question of whether it is permitted […]
If one entered in middle of Havdala is he Yotzei?
If one entered in middle of Havdala is he Yotzei? Missed Hinei Keil Yeshuasi:[1] The saying of “Hinei Keil Yeshuasi” is a custom and not required from the letter of the law as part of the Nussach of Havdalah. Accordingly, one who walked late into Havdalah and missed the saying […]
Shayim Mikra: Obligation & Importance, Segullos, fast versus slow, women, children
The obligation of Shnayim Mikra:[1] Although a person hears the reading of the entire Torah every Shabbos in a public forum, he is obligated each week to read to himself the Parsha of that week in the form of Shnayim Mikra Echad Targum [as will be explained].[2] [This matter is […]
Couples and relatives showing affection in public
Public affection: Couples showing affection in public:[1] Some Poskim[2] rule it is forbidden even for a couple to affectionately touch each other in front of other people.[3] [Thus, one may not hold hands, dance, hug, or kiss in public. Practically, so is the final ruling[4], and so is the custom […]
Davening with a Minyan and learning Torah by Kivrei Tzadikim
Davening with a Minyan and learning Torah by Kivrei Tzadikim: It is forbidden to Daven, learn Torah, or wear Tallis and Tefillin, within four Amos of a Kever, or within a cemetery.[1] Nevertheless, the custom is to permit Davening and Torah learning near the Kever of a Tzadik, and thus […]
If one accidentally skipped part of Pesukei Dezimra, may he recite it between Yishtabach and Yotzer Or?
If one accidentally skipped part of Pesukei Dezimra, may he recite it between Yishtabach and Yotzer Or?[1] If one accidently skipped part of Pesukei Dezimra, it is permitted to recite the skipped paragraphs between Yishtabach and Yotzer Or.[2] Thus, if one accidently skipped Az Yashir, and already recited the blessing […]
Taking someone’s item without permission if one plans to keep the item [Part 2]:
Taking someone’s item without permission if one plans to keep the item [Part 2]:[1] It is forbidden for one to use or take an item that belongs to one’s friend without his permission.[2] One knows for certain that the owner is not particular against one using or taking it:[3] If […]