May one use Maaser money to purchase a seat in a Shul, or to pay for membership? Background: Under certain conditions, it is permitted to use Maaser money for the sake of fulfilling a Mitzvah.[1] These conditions are as follows: a) The Mitzvah is not an obligation for one to […]
Minyan troubles-What is one to do if there is no Minyan by Kaddish before Hodu and got Minyan later on:
Minyan troubles-What is one to do if there is no Minyan by Kaddish before Hodu and got Minyan later on: Before Baruch Sheamar:[1] If one did not have a Minyan available at the time that Kaddish Derabanon is recited before Hodu, and a Minyan later became available before Baruch Sheamar, […]
May one immerse in a hot Mikveh on Shabbos?
May one immerse in a hot Mikveh on Shabbos? Background: The Sages forbade bathing one’s entire body, or majority[1] of it, with hot water whether [the water] is within a vessel [or] whether it is in the ground, [and] even if it was heated from before Shabbos.[2] Thus, the use […]
May a body be buried in an over ground structure [i.e. Mausoleums; Kevurat “Komot”; Rama, Sanhedrin cave burials]?
May a body be buried in an over ground structure [i.e. Mausoleums; Kevurat “Komot”; Rama, Sanhedrin cave burials]?[1] Background: In today’s times, various Chevra Kadisha’s and municipalities in search of space have introduced alternative burial methods which differ from the accustomed ground burial within a field. These methods include building […]
What is the law if one forgot to say the verse of Adono-y Sefasaiy Tiftach and already began Shemoneh Esrei and other Q&A!
Q&A What is the law if one forgot to say the verse of Adono-y Sefasaiy Tiftach and already began Shemoneh Esrei? Some Poskim[1] rule he nevertheless fulfills Shemoneh Esrei. Other Poskim[2], however, leave this matter in question. [Practically, one can Daven again as a Tefilas Nidava to escape the dispute, […]
Background and Halachic details related to the verse of “Adono-y Sefasaiy Tiftach” recited before Shemoneh Esrei
The verse of “Adono-y Sefasaiy Tiftach” recited before Shemoneh Esrei:[1] It is an obligation to recite the verse[2] of Adono-y Sifasaiy Tiftach prior to starting Shemoneh Esrei, due to a Rabbinical institution. Due to this institution, this verse is considered as an actual part of Shemoneh Esrei and like an […]
The Mitzvah of Kiddush Levana-Obligation & Segulos
This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on The Mitzvah:[1] [Every month] upon seeing the new moon [at night[2]] one is to recite the blessing of “Asher Bemamaro Bara Shechakim”. [It is an obligation every month for one to see the moon in order to say this blessing […]
Must one cover Mezonos foods that are on the table during Kiddush
Must one cover Mezonos foods that are on the table during Kiddush?[1] Background: One is required to cover the bread upon making Kiddush on Shabbos night and day.[2] There are several reasons recorded behind this law and custom, and understanding these reasons is the key to determining whether one is […]
Cut onions with a dairy knife and cooked them in a meat pot together with water or other foods
What is the law if one cut onions with a dairy knife and cooked them in a meat pot together with water or other foods? If one did not fry the onion first, but initially cooked the onions together with other foods in the meat pot [i.e. in a soup […]
One cut onions with a dairy knife and fried them in a meat pot
What is the law if one cut onions with a dairy knife and fried them in a meat pot? If a Pareve Charif/sharp food was cooked in a meat pot then even if the pot was clean and not Ben Yomo, the food becomes meaty and is forbidden to be […]