This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Saying or having in mind the wrong day: A. Said the wrong date and did not remember until the next night: If one counted the wrong date and only discovered the next night, then it is considered that he did […]
Killing and/or trapping stinging insects such as mosquitoes, bees, wasps, hornets and the like, on Shabbos:
Killing and/or trapping stinging insects such as mosquitoes, bees, wasps, hornets and the like, on Shabbos: *Skip to B and summary for the quick answer! A. Background:[1] Under normal conditions, it is forbidden to kill or trap any living creature on Shabbos.[2] In certain circumstances doing so contains a Biblical […]
Hugging a married child-Parents, Grandparents hugging and kissing adult children and grandchildren of the opposite gender
Parents, Grandparents hugging and kissing adult children and grandchildren of the opposite gender:[1] Kissing and hugging is permitted between parents and children even if they are of the opposite gender [and even if the children are now adults[2]]. Thus, a mother may hug and kiss her son [of any age] […]
Hugging a married child-Parents, Grandparents hugging and kissing adult children and grandchildren of the opposite gender
Parents, Grandparents hugging and kissing adult children and grandchildren of the opposite gender:[1] Kissing and hugging is permitted between parents and children even if they are of the opposite gender [and even if the children are now adults[2]]. Thus, a mother may hug and kiss her son [of any age] […]
Mitzvah of Kedoshim Tihyu-Sanctifying oneself with permitted
Is the Mitzvah of Kedoshim Tihyu considered one of the 613 Mitzvos? Some Rishonim[1] list this Mitzvah as one of the 613. However the vast majority of Rishonim omit it.[2] Must one sanctify himself with the permitted? Talmudic ruling: Rava states in the Talmud[3] that one is to sanctify […]
Making a Hefsek during Hallel
This article is an excerpt from our Rosh Chodesh Sefer Buy here or on Hefsek-Making an interval to talk, answer Amen, Kedusha, and the like:[1] Talking: It is forbidden to make an interval and talk during Hallel just as we rule regarding any other part of Davening. This applies whether […]
Hugging and kissing relatives-Sister, brother, aunt, uncle, daughter, parent
Hugging and kissing relatives:[1] It is forbidden to hug or kiss any of one’s relatives, including one’s adult sister or aunt[2] [and uncle, niece, nephew, cousins[3]] and the like, with exception to a father/mother and daughter/son, as will be explained. This prohibition applies even though there is naturally no physical […]
Women counting Sefiras Haomer
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer To purchase click here or on Women counting Sefiras Haomer:[1] Women are exempt from the Mitzvah of Sefiras HaOmer.[2] [Likewise, based on Kabala, women are not able to fulfill this Mitzvah.[3]] However in certain provinces[4] women have accepted this Mitzvah upon […]
Making Gebrochts for Achron Shel Pesach and eating Kitniyus and Chametz on Shabbos after Pesach in Eretz Yisrael
This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Making Gebrochts for Achron Shel Pesach/Shabbos after Pesach May one cook Gebrochts on Friday Shevi’i Shel Pesach for the sake of eating it on Shabbos? Some Poskim[1] rule it is permitted to do so, and so is the custom of […]
May children or adults draw pictures and make paintings on Chol Hamoed?
May children or adults draw pictures and make paintings on Chol Hamoed? Background: It is forbidden to write [or draw pictures or designs[1]] on Chol Hamoed.[2] Some Poskim[3] rule that it is only forbidden to write in a professional script, known as Maaseh Uman, which is the scribal lettering used […]