Using the bathroom in middle of Davening:[1] Introduction: It is forbidden to begin praying if one has an urge to urinate or defecate and one is thus required to relieve himself prior to Davening. If one did not do so, then in certain cases his Davening is invalid, and he […]
Opening the hood of a stroller on Shabbos
May one open or close the hood of a baby carriage on Shabbos? Background:[1] It is a Biblical prohibition to build or destroy a permanent tent, or hovering on Shabbos. Due to this, it is Rabbinically forbidden to build/open or take down or close any hovering on Shabbos, even temporary, […]
Removing stickers from vessels prior to immersion
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy here or on Must one remove stickers from the vessels? Introduction:[1] When immersing a vessel in a Mikveh one must remove all invalidating intervening items from the inside and outside of the vessel in order for the immersion to be […]
Covering the knife during Birchas Hamazon
Covering the knife during Bentching:[1] It is customary to cover the knife during the recital of Birchas Hamazon.[2] It is not necessary to remove the knives from the table, so long as the knife is covered.[3] [One may however choose to remove the knife rather than cover it.[4]] Shabbos and […]
Taking a shower on Yom Tov
Taking a shower on Yom Tov?[1] Hot water: Water heated on Yom Tov:[2] It is forbidden to bathe [or shower[3]] one’s entire body with water that was heated on Yom Tov.[4] This applies even out of a bathhouse. This applies even if the water was heated [in a permitted method, […]
Using a peeler on Yom Tov
Using a peeler on Yom Tov Introduction: The use of a peeler on Shabbos is subject to the Borer prohibition[1], and is thus prohibited to be used on Shabbos to remove inedible peels[2], and with some Poskim[3] prohibiting it entirely even to remove edible peels.[4] [See Topics in Practical Halacha […]
Does one recite the morning blessing of Elokaiy Neshama if he did not sleep at night?
Does one recite the morning blessing of Elokaiy Neshama if he did not sleep at night? Background:[1] It is disputed amongst the Poskim[2] whether the fifteen morning blessings starting from Hanosein Lasechvi Vina, are to be said even if one did not sleep at night, and did not receive the […]
Setting up the Shabbos table before Shabbos
Setting up the table for Shabbos, from before Shabbos:[1] One[2] is to set up the Shabbos table [including its chairs[3]] on Erev Shabbos in preparation for the Friday night meal.[4] [The silverware and china are to be clean and polished for the meal.[5] There is no need however to set […]
The law Bedieved if one left a gentile alone in one’s kitchen-Is one’s kitchen still Kosher?
This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy Here or on The law Bedieved if one left a gentile alone in one’s kitchen-Is one’s kitchen still Kosher:[1] Within 24 hours: If one transgressed, and left a gentile alone with his vessels, then he may not use his vessels [with hot foods] […]
May one leave a gentile alone in one’s Kitchen-Part 1-Lechatchila
This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy Here or on Leaving a gentile alone in one’s home and how it effects the Kashrus of one’s kitchen:[1] A. Lechatchila: It is initially forbidden to allow a gentile to remain alone with one’s eating utensils/vessels due to worry that […]