This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy here People restrictions-Kohanim/Pregnant/Nidda/children/Seven years absence/Baal Keri: A. Kohen:[1] See Chapter 9 Halacha 1 for the full details of this matter! The general prohibition of impurity: It is forbidden for a male[2] Kohen[3] to come into contact with a grave, or the […]
What is the law if one said the blessing of Ha’adama on a Mezonos or Hamotzi food?
What is the law if one said the blessing of Ha’adama on a Mezonos or Hamotzi food?[1] Some Poskim[2] rule that one who recited the blessing of Ha’adama on a Mezonos or Hamotzi food does not fulfill his obligation, and he is therefore required to repeat the blessing of Mezonos/Hamotzi […]
Moving, hanging and removing wall pictures on Shabbos
Moving, hanging and removing wall pictures on Shabbos:[1 Introduction: The need for moving a wall picture on Shabbos can come up in various scenarios, most commonly in the event that it became tilted out of place. Whether moving a wall picture is permitted on Shabbos grapples with the question of […]
The prohibition and danger in destroying a fruit bearing tree-Part 1
The prohibition and danger involved in destroying a fruit bearing tree:[1] The prohibition and danger: It is Biblically forbidden to unjustifiably destroy a [healthy] fruit bearing tree due to the prohibition of Bal Tashchis, as explained above.[2] Furthermore, in addition to the prohibition of Bal Tashchis associated with destroying a […]
The Kashrus status of breast milk and is it Milchig or Pareve
Is breast milk considered dairy or Pareve?[1] A woman’s milk is considered Kosher once it is pumped out[2], and it may then [even Lechatchilah[3]] be consumed by any person [if it is breast milk of a Jew[4]].[5] A woman’s milk is not considered real milk and thus does not contain […]
Is there a Mitzvah to look at the Tzitzis and the Segulos involved
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy now on Is there a Mitzvah to look at the Tzitzis? Most Rishonim and Poskim rule that there is no positive command to look at the Tzitzis.[1] Some Rishonim[2] rule that aside for the positive command to wear a […]
The Mitzvah of Tzitzis: History and Application
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy now on The Mitzvah of Tzitzis:[1] The Torah[2] commands every male Jew to tie fringes onto the corners of four cornered garments that he wears. It is forbidden to wear any garment that is obligated in Tzitzis and does […]
May one perform Bikur Cholim on Shabbos?
May one perform Bikur Cholim on Shabbos:[1] It is permitted to visit the sick on Shabbos.[2] Nevertheless [one is not to arrange to visit the sick specifically on Shabbos and is rather to arrange to visit him during the week as] it was with difficulty that the Sages allowed visiting […]
Selling checks, bonds and IOU’s-The Ribis regulations applicable to selling a debt or loan to a third party
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy here or on Selling a loan/debt to another:[1] The selling a loan or debt to a third party, touches upon both the laws of acquisition, and how a loan can be purchased, as well as the laws of Ribis/interest. When […]
Compromising on Kashrus standards at the home of a host
Keeping stringencies/Chumros at the home of a host:[1] Introduction: When one is a guest in someone else’s home for a meal, it is common to be faced with a dilemma in which partaking in certain foods being offered may compromise one’s religious observance or stringencies, and the question is raised […]