May the Sefer Torah be brought around the Shul, or to the women’s section, for them to kiss? Some communities are accustomed to bringing the Sefer Torah to different areas of the Shul in order so people can kiss it.[1] The Poskim[2], however, protest this custom, as it is belittling […]
Laundering clothing of children during the nine days
This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Laundering clothing of children:[1] It is forbidden for adults to launder children’s clothing starting from the week of Tisha B’av.[2] [Some Poskim[3] rule this applies even according to the Ashkenazi custom. Other Poskim[4] however rule that according to the Ashkenazi […]
Cutting nails during the three weeks and nine days
This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Cutting nails:[1] One may cut nails during the three weeks, up until the week of Tisha B’av. However, during the week of Tisha B’av, one may not cut nails. [This refers to from the Motzei Shabbos prior to Tisha […]
Using a Tallis or Tefillin straps to cover the face during Tachanun
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy Here or on Using a Tallis or Tefillin straps to cover the face during Tachanun:[1] The custom is to cover the face with a garment upon reciting Tachanun.[2] It does not suffice to cover one’s face using his bare arm.[3] […]
What is one to do if the wrong Sefer Torah was removed from the Aron:
What is one to do if the wrong Sefer Torah was removed from the Aron: If the wrong Sefer Torah was removed from the Aron [i.e. not rolled to the right Parsha], some Poskim[1] rule that it is not to be replaced.[2] This applies even if one desires to remove […]
Buying and wearing new clothing during the three weeks and nine days
Buying and wearing new clothing during the Three Weeks and Nine Days: Buying new clothing: Between the 17th of Tammuz and Rosh Chodesh Av:[1] It is good[2] to beware not to recite Shehechiyanu over new clothing during the three weeks.[3] Accordingly, it is forbidden to buy or wear new clothing […]
Baking Challahs for Shabbos
Baking Challahs for Shabbos:[1] It is customary for every household to bake Challahs for Shabbos which are used for Lechem Mishneh and not to buy them at the bakery as is done during the week. This matter of baking one’s own Challah is included in the honoring of Shabbos and […]
Trimming the mustache during the three weeks & throughout the year
May one trim his mustache? During the regular year: Many Poskim[1] and Kaballists[2] rule that one is obligated to cut the mustache hairs that interfere with ones food.[3] Nevertheless, there are communities that are accustomed not to trim any facial hair, including the mustache hairs that interfere with food.[4] The […]
Rinsing the mouth, brushing teeth, and using mouthwash, on fast day
This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Rinsing the mouth on a fast day:[1] On a public fast day, one is not to rinse his mouth in the morning.[2] This applies even if one will be using less than a Revius of water.[3] [If, however, this is […]
Supporting Jewish businesses-The obligation to do business with a fellow Jew -Part 2
Supporting Jewish businesses-The obligation to do business with a fellow Jew [i.e. buying, selling, investments, hiring]:[1] The general law:[2] The verse[3] states “Vechi Timkaru Mimkar Leamisecha, Oa Kanah Miyad Amisecha Al Tono Ish Es Achiv/When you sell or purchase from your brother do not cheat him.” From this verse it […]