This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy Now May one forgive a loan without telling the borrower? A. Introduction: If one loaned someone money and has yet to be paid back, often the lender who sympathizes with the borrower’s predicament, desires to simply forgive him the loan. The […]
Yichud when husband is in the city
This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy Now Yichud laws for wife when husband is out of the house but in town Your husband is at work and you would like to call the handyman to fix your ever-breaking cabinets. A male cousin or an uncle of yours […]
May one place an open Sefer upside down on its face, such as for a place holder
May one place an open Sefer upside down on its face, such as for a place holder?[1] It is forbidden to turn a Sefer[2] over onto its front [open] part. If one found a Sefer in such a position, he is to turn it over. [Unfortunately, many people are not […]
The prayer of Berich Shmei-Its greatness, and detailed laws
Reciting Brich Shmei:[1] When the Aron is opened, one recites Vayehi Binsoa Haron, and the Zoharic[2] prayer of Brich Shmei. On which days is it said?[3] Some Poskim[4] write that the prayer of Berich Shmei is only to be said by Mincha of Shabbos. Other Poskim[5] rule it is to […]
Giving Maaser money to relatives
Giving Maaser money to relatives?[1] Tzedaka money and Maaser funds, is not only permitted to be distributed to poor relatives, but one is even required to precede a relative in need over other paupers. This includes one’s parents, one’s older[2] children, one’s brothers, and any other relative.[3] If one can […]
Turning one’s face around when the congregation is praying Shemoneh Esrei
Turning one’s face around when the congregation is praying Shemoneh Esrei:[1] An individual who prayed together with the congregation and completed his Shemoneh Esrei prior to the congregation, does not have permission to turn his face around, to face the congregation [who is standing behind him[2]], until the Chazan completes […]
May one who has a headache, foot pain, back pain, and the like, take medicine, such as a pain killer, on Shabbos?
May one who has a localized pain, such as a headache, foot pain, back pain, and the like, take a pain killer on Shabbos? *Important note: This Halacha is dealing with the very specific case of taking pain killers for a non-lethal localized pain. It does not refer to illnesses, […]
What is the law if one found insects in food, may he still eat it after their removal?
What is the law if one found insects in food, may he still eat it after their removal?[1] The general rule:[2] If one found three[3] insects within a food product, such as within a bag of rice, then it is assumed that the food is infested and it is hence […]
What is the proper Nussach to say in Birchas Hamazon: Harachaman Hu Yishbor Ol Galus Meial Tzavareinu or Ol HaGoyim Meial Tzavareinu?
What is the proper Nussach to say in Birchas Hamazon: Harachaman Hu Yishbor Ol Galus Meial Tzavareinu or Ol HaGoyim Meial Tzavareinu?[1] In the Harachaman’s that are recited in Birchas Hamazon, some Siddurim[2] and Benchers contain the Nussach of Ol Galus Meial Tzavareinu. Other Siddurim[3] and Benchers contain the Nussach […]
What is one to do if he does not remember if he recited Birchas Hamazon?
What is one to do if he does not remember if he recited Birchas Hamazon?[1] [A man[2]] who is unsure if he already recited Birchas Hamazon or not, then if he ate to the point of satiation[3] [i.e. he is full from the meal, and drank liquid during it-See Q&A], […]