Are women obligated to recite Pesukei Dezimra [i.e. Hodu-Yishtabach]?[1] The dispute: Some Poskim[2] rule that women are obligated to recite Pesukei Dezimra just like men.[3] Other Poskim[4] rule that women are exempt from reciting Pesukei Dezimra[5], although are nevertheless allowed to do so if they wish, and they may choose […]
Placing door handles into a door on Shabbos
Placing door handles into a door on Shabbos?[1] Case example: The handle fell off my door and I have no way of opening it, or closing and then opening it, unless the handle is reinserted. may I do so on Shabbos? Introduction: Building or fixing an item on Shabbos enters […]
Saying the blessing of Shehechiyanu upon the birth of a daughter
Saying the blessing of Shehechiyanu upon the birth of a daughter:[1] The father and mother[2] of a newborn baby girl are required to say the blessing of Shehechiyanu upon seeing their newborn daughter and receiving pleasure and happiness from seeing her.[3] However, [prior to seeing the daughter] the blessing is […]
The journey of the soul after death:
The journey of the soul after death: The following is a compilation of teachings allocated from the Halachos printed throughout this Sefer regarding the journey of the soul of the deceased throughout the entire process of death, burial, Shiva, and post mourning. A. Time of death: All his life work […]
The law if a mistake was made during the blessing of an Aliyah:
The law if a mistake was made during the blessing of an Aliyah: The law if one accidentally said the after blessing first:[1] If prior to the reading, one accidently recited the blessing of Asher Nasan Lanu instead of Bachar Banu, then if he did not mention Hashem’s name in […]
How is one who is left-handed to wear Tefillin of one who is right-handed [or vice versa], if his own Tefillin is not available?
How is one who is left-handed to wear Tefillin of one who is right-handed [or vice versa], if his own Tefillin is not available?[1] Introduction: The only difference between the Tefillin worn by one who is left-handed versus one who was right-handed, is the positioning of the knot of the […]
Reusing a ladle to pour soup on Shabbos
Cooking after cooking by liquids-Taking a second portion of soup It commonly occurs that after one uses a serving spoon or ladle to remove soup or another food from the Keli Rishon pot that was on fire the spoon or ladle is placed down on the counter. The […]
The Mitzvah of Bikur Cholim-The Mitzvah of Bikur Cholim-Why? How? When?
2. The Mitzvah of Bikur Cholim:[1] A. The Mitzvah: It is a Mitzvah to visit the sick.[2] Doing so helps revive the ill person[3] and by doing so one removes 1/60th of the illness if he shares the same Mazal as the ill patient.[4] [One who visits the sick fulfills […]
What is the law if one accidentally skipped the middle of the blessing of Yotzer Or?
What is the law if one accidentally skipped the middle of the blessing of Yotzer Or?[1] If one began the blessing of Yotzer Or properly, and after saying the first few sentences accidentally skipped the remainder of the paragraphs and recited straight away it’s concluding blessing of Yotzer Hameoros, nevertheless […]
The criteria to be Yotzei Lechem Mishneh with another-Being Yotzei with his Hamotzi and eating his bread
The criteria to be Yotzei Lechem Mishneh with another-Being Yotzei with his Hamotzi and eating his bread: Is one who heard Hamotzi required to taste from the bread of the Lechem Mishneh in order to fulfill one’s obligation?[1] Every individual is required to eat from the actual bread of the […]