This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Avoiding Matzah: The Chabad custom is to abstain from eating Matzah from thirty days before Pesach, beginning on Purim.[1] [Others[2] have the custom to avoid eating Matzah from Rosh Chodesh Nissan. Others[3] only abstain from eating Matzah […]
Coronavirus Pandemic Halachic Directives-Part 1-Talmud Torah of children, Mikveh for men, Missing Minyan
Coronavirus Pandemic Halachic Directives-Part 1 Talmud Torah of children:[1] Although a child is exempt from all the Mitzvos, and even the father is not Biblically obligated to educate him in Mitzvos, but rather only Rabbinically, nevertheless, teaching Torah is a Biblical positive command. The father is commanded to teach […]
The alternatives for men if a Mikveh is not available- Showering
The alternatives for men if a Mikveh is not available Nine Kavim-shower:[1] If one is not able to immerse in any body of water [even a swimming pool and the like] then he is to pour nine Kavim [12.5 Liters[2]] of water over his body. One may use up to […]
Parshas Parah and what to do if placed in quarantine
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me on Parshas Parah and what to do if placed in quarantine: General laws:[1] A Biblical or Rabbinical obligation?[2] There are opinions[3] who say that there is a Biblical obligation to hear Parshas Parah.[4] [Many Poskim[5] however argue and rule there is […]
Purim Damages
Must one pay for damages incurred during a Purim meal? During the Purim festivities, a guest who was extremely overjoyed stood on our table to begin dancing on it and after a few seconds the entire table collapsed, and is now broken. Is that individual obligated to pay for […]
Shushan Purim
Shushan Purim: Increasing in festivities in un-walled cities:[1] One is obligated to slightly[2] increase in joy and festivities on Shushan Purim [during the day[3]], and so is the custom.[4] [However, on the night of the 15th, there is no need, for those who celebrated Purim on the 14th, to […]
The Mitzvah to get drunk on Purim
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me on Lebesumei-Getting drunk on Purim:[1] Men are obligated[2] to get drunk [on wine[3]] on Purim to the point they cannot differ between “blessed is Mordechai and cursed is Haman”.[4] [This is included within the Mitzvah of Seudas Purim.[5]] Other Poskim[6], however, […]
How to fulfill the Mitzvos of Purim if you are quarantined due to the Coronavirus
Listen here to audio How to fulfill the Mitzvos of Purim if you are quarantined due to the Coronavirus:[1] Due to the unfortunate epidemic of the coronavirus, millions of people across the world are under a medically mandated quarantine and isolation and the question is asked as to how a […]
Should a father get an Aliyah for a child’s birthday?
Should a father get an Aliyah for a child’s birthday?[1] There is certainly no prohibition in having a father purchase an Aliyah the Shabbos prior to his child’s birthday or the birthday of his wife, and have it dedicated in their merit. However, we also do not find any record […]
When is the Torah scroll to be returned to the ark on Rosh Chodesh?
When is the Torah scroll to be returned to the ark on Rosh Chodesh? Chassidim and Sephardim: The custom of Chassidim and Sephardim is to return the Sefer Torah to the Aron after Uva Letziyon and Kaddish Tiskabel.[1] This applies likewise on Rosh Chodesh.[2] Thus, on Rosh Chodesh the Sefer […]