Is one required to stand when making Kiddush? Night Kiddush:[1] It is proper to stand while reciting Vayechulu in Kiddush.[2] However, when one says the blessing of Kiddush [i.e. Hagafen and onwards], it is better to sit.[3] [From the letter of the law, however, he may stand if he chooses.[4]] […]
Kinyan Sudar/Chalifin-How it works
Kinyan Sudar/Chalifin:[1] A. What can be acquired through the Kinyan?[2] All items, whether moveable objects [i.e. Mitaltilin] or land [i.e. Karka] may be acquired through a Kinyan Suddar [otherwise known as Kinyan Chalifin]. This applies whether to a sale or to the giving of a present. B. How it is […]
Women wearing socks/stockings
Women wearing socks/stockings:[1] It is forbidden for men to learn Torah or Daven opposite a woman’s legs [literally, Shoka] as the legs are considered an area of privacy by a woman, and is therefore an Erva to be revealed. [It is therefore necessary for women and girls to cover their […]
Magicians-Performing magic tricks, hiring a performer, and watching a performance
Listen to Audio Shiur Magicians-Performing magic tricks, hiring a performer, and watching a performance:[1] It is forbidden to perform an action that makes it appear to the onlooker as if he is performing a supernatural act.[2] One who does so transgresses the Biblical command of “Lo Sionein” and is liable […]
Saying Barchu at the end of Davening
Listen here to Shiur Saying Barchu at the end of Davening? Letter of the law:[1] One may recite Barchu at the end of Davening for the sake of people who did not yet hear Barchu that day.[2] Certainly, if one did not yet hear Barchu he may say Barchu on […]
Pressuring an employer to pay one’s salary, and pressuring a renter to pay rent
Pressuring an employer to pay one’s salary, and pressuring a renter to pay rent: Some Poskim[1] rule that the above prohibition against pressuring a person who owes one money, at a time that he does not have the ability to pay, only applies if the person borrowed the money. However, […]
May a man Daven or learn Torah while hearing his daughter, sister, or mother singing, or Davening out loud in a song?
Listen here to audio May a man Daven or learn Torah while hearing his daughter, sister, or mother singing, or Davening out loud in a song? It is customary for people to sing various parts of Davening. May a man Daven while hearing his mother, daughter, or sister singing parts […]
Chapter 119 in Tehillim
Chapter 119 in Tehillim Listen here to Audio Background: Chapter 119 in Tehillim is a very unique chapter, having been compiled by David Hamelech according to the Hebrew alphabet. It is the longest chapter in Tehillim, and indeed in the entire Tanach, containing 176 verses. Each letter of the Hebrew […]
Drinking during a meal
Drinking during a meal of bread:[1] Some Poskim[2] rule one is not Biblically obligated to recite Birchas Hamazon after eating [a satiating meal of bread[3]] unless he drank [a liquid[4]] during the meal.[5] This however only applies if one was thirsty during the meal [and nevertheless did not drink; if […]
Squeezing fresh juice on Yom Tov
Listen here to audio May one squeeze fruits on Yom Tov?[1] In all cases that squeezing is permitted on Shabbos it is likewise permitted on Yom Tov. [See our Sefer “The Laws of Shabbos Volume 2-The Laws of Squeezing fruits” for the full details of the laws of squeezing on […]