From Eretz Yisrael to Diaspora If an Israeli traveled to the diaspora before the 7th of MarCheshvan is he to begin reciting Vesein Tal Umatar on the 7th of MarCheshvan in the diaspora?[1] If an Israeli traveled to the diaspora before the 7th of MarCheshvan it is disputed amongst Poskim […]
May one remove a splinter on Shabbos?
May one remove a splinter on Shabbos?[1] It is permitted to remove a splinter on Shabbos [with one’s hands, tweezer, or needle as will be explained].[2] However, one needs to beware upon removing the splinter to do it in a way that it will not inevitably cause blood to come […]
Paying for damages of a borrowed Tallis/Tefillin/Shofar/Daled Minim
If one borrowed a Tallis/Tefillin/Shofar/Daled Minim and damaged it, must he pay the owner for the damages? Negligence:[1] If one borrowed a Tallis/Tefillin/Shofar/Daled Minim and damaged it due to negligence, then he is obligated to pay the owner for the damages. Process of using/wearing: If one borrowed a Tallis/Tefillin/Shofar/Daled Minim […]
Ask the Rav: 1) Borrowed fan stopped working; 2) Broke window of car during lift
Question: [Monday 24th Tishreiy, 5781] I borrowed a fan from a friend and it suddenly died while I was using it. I tried to fix it unsuccessfully although did manage to get it to partially turn and blow air? My friend is now asking me that I pay her for […]
Ask the Rav: 1) Is it Mutar to play board games; 2) How to Kosher a men’s Mikveh
Question: [Tuesday, 25th Tishreiy, 5781] Is it permitted to play board games, video games, cards, puzzles, etc? Is there a list of criteria for what’s mutar and what’s not? Answer: The concept of playing games is recorded in both the Talmud and Shulchan Aruch, and is to be viewed […]
May one get married and make a wedding on a Friday?
Getting married [i.e. making a wedding] on a Friday: Is it permitted, and should it be done? It is disputed amongst the Rishonim and Poskim as to whether one may get married and make a wedding on Erev Shabbos. Some Poskim[1] rule that it is forbidden to make a wedding […]
Ask the Rav: 1) Baruch Dayan Haemes for gentiles; 2) Karbanos before Alos; 3)Kever on Rosh Chodesh; 4) Children sewing on RC; 5)Wearing Tallis for Mincha; 6)Bathroom before Musaf
Question: [Monday, 1st Mar Cheshvan 5781] Should one say Baruch Dayan Haemes when hearing of the passing of a gentile? I am asking because a non-Jewish relative of a friend of mine passed away and would like to know if I may say it. Answer: There is no […]
Ask the Rav: 1) Tzedaka in Shacharis; 2) Bracha on ground coffee
Question: [Tuesday, 25th Tishreiy, 5781] Where in Shacharis is one to give Tzedaka. By which Pasuk? Answer: While saying the words Veata Moshel Bakol in Vayivarech David. This, however, is in addition to giving Tzedaka prior to Davening. Sources: See P”M 92 M”Z 30; Siddur Arizal; Peri Eitz […]
May one’s housekeeper do laundry on Rosh Chodesh?
May one’s housekeeper do laundry on Rosh Chodesh? Background: Women are accustomed to abstaining from certain works on Rosh Chodesh[1], including laundry.[2] The question is raised as to whether this custom of avoiding laundry extends even to prohibiting it from being done by another person, or if it only applies […]
From the Rav’s Desk: 1) Hammock on tree on Shabbos 2) White wine by 7th hour 3) Mezuzah fell on Shabbos
Question: [Monday, 25th Tishreiy, 5781] We have a hammock that is directly attached to a tree in our seminary. The ropes which hold up the hammock are directly attached to the trees. May the girls sit on it on Shabbos? Answer: No. It is Rabbinically forbidden to make use […]