Question: [Sunday, 14th Mar Cheshvan, 5781] What is the Torah source for wearing masks? Meaning, aside for the general obligation to guard one’s health is prescribed by doctors is there any specific source in Torah that discusses the wearing of masks during an epidemic of which I am sure there […]
Modeh Ani: History, details, and Positions
Saying Modeh Ani:[1] Immediately upon awakening, even prior to washing ones hands[2], it is proper[3] to [accustom oneself[4] to] say Modeh Ani.[5] The reason for reciting Modeh Ani: This is done in order to remember that Hashem is standing over him and motivate him to get up with alacrity.[6] Alternatively, […]
From the Rav’s Desk: 1) Moving a table with a sun umbrella to another area; 2) spitting on grass on Shabbos
Question: [Thursday 11th Mar Cheshvan, 5781] We have a table outside with an open summer umbrella and was wondering if it is permitted for me to move it on Shabbos, such as if the table is in one area of our yard where there is currently no sun and would […]
Davening Mincha after candle lighting on Erev Shabbos
Davening Mincha after candle lighting on Erev Shabbos:[1] A woman who lights Shabbos candles, and thus accepts Shabbos with her lighting, is to Daven Mincha beforehand.[2] [If she did not do so, and has already lit her candles, then she may not daven Mincha afterwards, and is to rather Daven […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Should I vote in the 2020 presidential election and if yes whom should I vote for?
Question: [Monday 24th Tishreiy, 5781] Is one halachically obligated to vote in a presidential election, mayoral election, etc? In this specific case, the American elections, are there any instructions of how to vote and for whom? Thank you Answer: *Please note: The below is the Rav’s personal […]
From the Rav’s Desk: 1) Breaking plates by Lechaim if parents not present; 2) Listening to daughter sing
Question: [Tuesday, 9th Mar Cheshvan, 5781] Should the plates be broken by a Lechaim even if the parents are not present? Due to covid, we are having a young peoples only engagement celebration and neither mine or her parents will be present. What should we do about breaking the plate? […]
Which side gets to choose the Misader Kiddushin, the side of the Chasan or the side of the Kallah?
Which side gets to choose the Misader Kiddushin, the side of the Chasan or the side of the Kallah?[1] The job of being Misader Kiddushin is customarily designated to the Rav of the city, and has become mandated in Halacha, with a prohibition against another individual taking the rights for […]
From the Rav’s Desk: 1) Used Felishag pan for cheese sandwich 2) Hafrashas Challah by Challah group
Question: [Monday, 8th Mar Cheshvan, 5781] On Shabbos afternoon we placed a disposable baking pan on top of our Fleishig Shabbos plata [upside down] for the sake of warming Challas on top of it. My daughter then unknowingly used that baking pan for baking a cheese sandwich in the dairy […]
Checklist of separating Terumos Umaasros
Checklist of separating Terumos Umaasros Verify the status of your produce from which you wish to separate Teruma and Maaser: Is the fruit Arala or Neta Rivaiy? If Arla, it may not be eaten.[1] If Neta Rivaiy, it may be eaten after it is redeemed[2] without needing to separate Terumos […]
Shaalos-Q&A Archive: 1) Kedusha of Musaf during Shemoneh Esrei of Shacharis; 2) Kohanim by Duchan if only one Kohen
Question: [Sunday, 7th MarCheshvan, 5781] If I began Davening Shemoneh Esrei of Shacharis simultaneously with the Chazan starting his repetition of Musaf, may I answer Kedusha when I reach Kedusha together with him? Answer: This matter is debated amongst the Poskim, and practically we [Ashkenazim] rule that it may […]