Question: [Monday, 14th Kisleiv 5781] Dear Rabbi, I was unfortunately shocked to discover that I accidentally ate a food that was not kosher. I honestly thought that it had a Hashgacha, as there is a similar product under the same brand with a Hashgacha, and only after I ate […]
From the Rav’s Desk: 1) Giving a speech with back to Aron 2) Lighting from flame of Yartzite candle
Question: [Sunday, 13th Kisleiv 5781] Is it permitted for one to give a speech in a shul with his back facing the Aron kodesh? Answer: Yes, it is permitted to do so. Although we do not sit with our backs facing the Aron [unless the Bima is between the Aron […]
May one enter Sefarim into a bathroom?
May one enter Sefarim into a bathroom?[1] It is forbidden to enter revealed Sefarim or Tefillin into a bathroom due to it being a belittlement to the Sefarim. If the Sefarim are covered, then at times it is allowed to enter the Sefer into the bathroom. This depends on whether […]
From the Rav’s Desk: 1) Crushing Doritos into ones salad on Shabbos 2) Keren Hashanah-how to fulfill the mitzvah of distributing charity daily before prayer
Question: [Thursday, 10th Kisleiv 5781] Is one allowed to crush Doritos or other types of chips into his salad on Shabbos. Basically, I love eating my salad together with crushed Doritos and would like to know if it is permitted for me to do on Shabbos as well? Answer: It […]
How to “fix” the Kiddush wine prior to distribution to the listeners-Part 1
How to “fix” the Kiddush wine prior to distribution to the listeners-Part 1:[1] A. Introduction-Understanding the issues: While there is no obligation for the listeners to drink from the Kiddush wine in order to fulfill their obligation of Kiddush[2], nonetheless, it is a Mitzvah Min Hamuvchar for them to drink […]
From the Rav’s Desk: 1) What to give Kohen by Pidyon Haben? 2) Goyishe Music and classical music
Question: [Wednesday, 9th Kisleiv 5781] What is to be given to the Kohen by the Pidyon Haben if the Kohen does not own the silver coins used for the Pidyon Haben? May I give him a check or credit card cash, and if so how much? Answer: The father of […]
Does one need to repent for sins that he did as a child?
Does one need to repent for sins that he did as a child?[1] A child [below Bar/Bas Mitzvah] who hit his father or committed other sins while still a child, although he does not need to repent when he grows older, nevertheless, it is proper for him to accept […]
May a man send a present to a woman?
May a man send a present to a woman? A man is to avoid sending gifts to a widow or any single woman.[1] Likewise, some Poskim[2] rule one is to avoid sending gifts to even to a married woman due to Sheilas Shalom.[3] However, when doing so without any intent […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Saying Elokeinu when there is Nesias Kapayim-Duchaning
Question: [Tuesday, 8th Kisleiv, 5781] If by Nesias Kapayim there is only one Kohan who went up to Duchan what is the Chazzan to read when he reaches the section of Kohanim? Should he say the entire paragraph of Elokeinu out loud as usual, or should he say it quietly, […]
The reasons for the prohibition of eating milk and meat
The reasons for the prohibition of eating milk and meat: The Mefarshim and Poskim mention several reasons behind why G-d prohibited the mixture of meat and milk: Chok: Some[1] explain that the true reason behind this prohibition is beyond the understanding of a human, and it is hence deemed as […]