When should one set up the Blech before Shabbos?[1] Biblically, there are no restrictions involved in setting up one’s food on a flame before Shabbos, although the Sages enacted a number of restrictions. First off, they obligated that one may only leave food on a flame if either the […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Mold in rental property-whose responsibility and may one breach the contract?
Question: [Wednesday, 7th Shevat 5781] Rabbi, we have rented an apartment and after about four months of living there in the winter in the rain season, we noticed mold growing on a number of walls. The owner does not know of any practical solution to deal with it and we […]
If one pledged to loan money to someone may he retract
May one back out of a loan after giving his word to the borrower?[1] Legal liability: If one said he would loan money to someone he is not legally liable to go through with the loan and the borrower cannot force him in court to give him the money.[2] […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Who is a real Apikores/Tinok Shinishba today?
Question: [Tuesday, 27th Teves 5781] Who today is considered a Tinok Shenishba versus a real and true Apikores? Obviously, there are different approaches and attitudes that we must have between these two types of nonobservance Jews, as brought in Torah that one is obligated to hate the Apikores and consider […]
Listening to one’s wife sing
Listening to one’s wife sing: While Davening or learning Torah: The singing[1] voice of a woman is [Rabbinically[2]] an Erva.[3] This applies whether she is single[4] or married, and even towards the voice of one’s own wife[5] [even while she is pure[6]]. Thus, it is [Rabbinically[7]] forbidden[8] for a husband […]
From the Rav’s Desk: 1) Starting Chazaras Hashatz if 10th man is up to Shemoneh Esrei; 2) Whey Powder OUD
Question: [Monday, 5th Shevat 5781] Does a person who is in middle of Shemoneh Esrei count as one of the nine answers towards Chazaras Hashatz, and does it make any difference if he begins Shemoneh Esrei exactly with the Chazan. In essence, what is one to do if there are […]
Men Removing white hairs
Men removing white hairs:[1] It is [Biblically[2]] forbidden for a man to remove even a single white hair from amongst black hairs [so he does not appear old[3]] due to the prohibition of “Lo Yilbash Gever Simlas Isha.”[4] [One who does so is liable for lashes.[5] This applies to the […]
The greatness and severity of the Mitzvah of Tefillin
The greatness and severity of the Mitzvah of Tefillin:[1] The reward for the Mitzvah of Tefillin is very great. The following statements are recorded by Admur and Chazal regarding the greatness and importance of this Mitzvah: A. Karkafta-Poshei Yisrael Begufan:[2] One who does not put on Tefillin [for even one […]
From the Rav’s Desk: 1) Lost Minyan during Keria; 2) Pouring a second serving from hot water urn on Shabbos
Question: [Motzei Shabbos, 26th Teves 5781] What is the law if in the middle of Kerias Hatorah one realizes that he has lost the Minyan? We had exactly 10 for our minyan and evidently somebody got up and left. Answer: In such a case, you simply continue Kerias Hatorah […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Retracting from a monetary compromise
Question: [Wednesday, 29th Teves 5781] Can one retract from a compromise agreement? If I had a dispute with my friend over a certain monetary matter and we agreed to a certain compromise, may one of us later back out of the compromise? Basically, I rented an item to a friend […]