Purim Meshulash-When the 15th falls on Shabbos:[1] *The laws below are relevant for Jerusalem residents only! See the Q&A section as well as “From the Rav’s Desk” for further details relevant to the rest of the world by Purim Meshulash, including those relevant to Safek cities. Introduction: When the 15th […]
The Half Shekel-Laws and Customs
Machatzis Hashekel-The Half Shekel:[1] Some[2] opinions rule that before Purim one must give half of his country’s coin currency [to charity, and so is the custom of all Jewry[3]]. It is given as a remembrance for the half shekel that was donated for purchasing sacrifices during the times of […]
From the Rav’s Desk: 1) Haircuts and cutting nails this Erev Shabbos. 2) Aneinu for one who is not fasting
Question: [Thursday, 13th Adar, 5781] This year that Purim falls on Friday, is it permitted for me to cut my nails and get a haircut on Friday, in honor of Shabbos, or is it forbidden to do so due to the prohibition of doing Melacha on Purim. Answer: Nails: When […]
From the Rav’s desk: Must one have separate oil bottles for meat and milk?
Question: [Wednesday, 12th Adar, 5781] Is there any reason for me to be careful to have separate oil bottles for both meat and milk or is it okay for me to use the same oil bottle to pour into meat and milk products? Answer: Indeed, there is a very strong […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Must the Mezuzah be actually touching the doorpost or is it valid even if there is some space in between?
Question: [Tuesday, 11th Adar, 5781] Hi Rabbi, I have the following question: Must the mezuzah actually touch the doorpost? When putting on a mezuzah to the doorpost is there a problem if there is some space between the doorpost and the mezuzah? Meaning, for example, if I tape the mezuzah […]
Hearing Megillah with a hearing aid
If one can only hear with a hearing aid is he able to fulfill his obligation through listening to the Megillah reading?[1] Non-electric hearing aid: If he is able to hear with the help of a non-electric hearing aid then he is obligated in the Mitzvah.[2] He may thus hear […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Should one repeat Hagafen over wine when eating a meal in two areas
Question: [Monday, 10th Adar, 5781] The following often occurs to me on Shabbos and I wanted to know what the Halacha is: After Shacharis I usually join the Farbrengen in Shul and usually wash on Challah having in mind to continue my meal at home sometime later. My question is […]
Must/Should one eat meat during the Purim Seuda
Must one eat meat by one’s Purim meal? Some Poskim[1] rule it is an obligation for one to eat [animal[2]] meat during the Purim meal. Other Poskim[3] however rule it is not an obligation to eat meat. This is further proven by the fact this law has not been cited […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Must one say Asher Yatzar every time he uses the bathroom in middle of the night?
Question: [Sunday, 9th Adar 5781] I wake up often in middle of the night to use the bathroom and I always wondered what I should do about saying the blessing of Asher Yatzar. Do I have to say it right away after using the bathroom, or can I, or should […]
Eating and drinking prior to Megillah reading of night and day
Eating and drinking prior to Megillah reading of night and day:[1] It is forbidden to eat prior to hearing the Megillah reading [both] at night [and by day[2]].[3] This applies even if it is difficult for one to continue fasting Taanis Esther until the end of the Megillah reading.[4] Some […]