Question: [Thursday, 3rd Iyar 5781] May my wife use a lighter to light the Shabbos candles or is this a problem being that she will end up extinguishing it after the lighting, prior to the blessing? Answer: A lighter should not be used by women to light the Shabbos candles, […]
May magnets be used on Shabbos
May magnets be used on Shabbos?[1] Normally, attaching things together on Shabbos is forbidden due to the sewing or building prohibition, if certain conditions are met. Thus, the question is raised whether a magnetic attachment falls under the prohibition of sewing or building and meets the conditions of prohibition and […]
Are male children of Chinuch age obligated to recite Sefiras Haomer
Are male children of Chinuch age obligated to recite Sefiras Haomer: A. Background: Children below the age of Chinuch:[1] A child who is below the age of Chinuch is exempt from all Mitzvos. Above age of Chinuch by Shema and other night Mitzvos: A son who has reached the age […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Having a Gentile make a fruit shake with grapes
Question: [Wednesday, 2nd Iyar 5781] When I order a fruit shake from a juice stand which is run by a Gentile may I have him place grapes in the ingredients and have him blend it all into juice? Answer: One should not do so due to the prohibition of Yayin […]
Are women obligated to Daven Musaf on Shabbos, Yom Tov, or Rosh Chodesh
Are women obligated to Daven Musaf on Shabbos, Yom Tov, or Rosh Chodesh? A. Background:[1] Some Poskim[2] rule women are obligated to Daven Shemoneh Esrei of Shacharis and Mincha.[3] Other Poskim[4] rule women are not obligated to Daven Shemoneh Esrei of any prayer.[5] Practically, the main ruling follows the latter […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Birchas Ilanos in Iyar
Question: [Tuesday, 1st Iyar, 5781] I did not have an opportunity to recite Birchas Ilanos during the month of Nisan and today plan on being in an area where I will see fruit trees. Can I still say the blessing? Answer: While this matter is under debate and some are […]
From the Rav’s Desk: 1) Blessing on Gluten products; 2) trimming the mustache on Rosh Chodesh
Question: [Monday, 30th Nissan, 5781] What blessing should be recited in non-grain products that contain gluten within their ingredients? Answer: The gluten has the status of a Shehakol food. Practically, it is nullified to the main ingredient of the product and one should recite whatever blessing the main ingredient deserves. […]
What blessing is to be recited over heart of palm
Blessing over heart of palm:[1] The heart of palm, known in Hebrew as Kura, is the center of a palm tree’s main stem.[2] The blessing that is to be recited on the heart of the palm is Shehakol.[3] [However, this only applies towards the heart of a wild palm tree, […]
From the Rav’s Desk: 1) Checking Tzitzis strings in morning if did not change 2) The annual Shlissel Challah controversy
Question: [Sunday, 29th Nissan, 5781] If I don’t change my Tzitzis in the morning am I still obligated to check them daily? I currently have only one pair which I don’t change or take off and sleep with at night, and therefore my question. Answer: One is obligated to check […]
Covering the head with the Tallis Gadol during Davening
Covering the head with the Tallis Gadol during Davening: The letter of the law:[1] It is disputed whether one must also cover his head and perform the Yishmaeili wrap with the Tallis, in addition to covering the body. Some Poskim[2] rule that the Tallis must be large enough for one […]