Chametz which is found in areas that are not reachable by hand: *For full details and sources-see our corresponding Sefer and/or website! Chametz that is in cracks and crevices of tiles and furniture: If one cannot remove the Chametz with his hands due to it being stuck under cracks and […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Must the salt water be made on Erev Shabbos or can it be made by Leil Haseder
Question: [Sunday, 23rd Adar, 5781] This year that Pesach falls on Motzei Shabbos must one make the saltwater already on erev Shabbos or can one make it after Pesach enters before the Seder? Answer: According to the rulings of Admur it seems that it is permitted to make saltwater on […]
Cleaning for Pesach-Summary of laws-Part 1-Where to clean
Pesach Review Crash Course-Cleaning for Pesach-Summary of laws: *For full details and sources-see our corresponding Sefer and/or website! Introduction-Din versus Minhag: Cleaning the home for Chametz is known to be one of the more strenuous jobs that falls upon the household in preparation for Pesach. Many are unaware that there […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Which Kaddish to wait for if reach Shemoneh Esrei too late to begin before Chazaras Hashatz
Question: [Sunday, 23rd Adar, 5781] Rabbi, I am aware of the Halacha that states that one who reaches Shemoneh Esreiy only after the congregation has begun Shemoneh Esreiy must wait until after the Kaddish after Shemoneh Esreiy to begin his prayers in order so he does not miss the opportunity […]
Avoiding the statement “This is for Pesach”
This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Not saying “This is for Pesach”-Setting aside products for Yom Tov rather than for Pesach:[1] Animals:[2] It is forbidden or one to say regarding (his animal) that “this meat is for Pesach.” It goes without saying that one may not […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Farbrenging late in shul on expense of one’s family
Question: [Thursday, 20th Adar, 5781] My husband enjoys to Farbreng until late on Shabbos in Shul, and often remains until we are already done our meal at home, and at times he remains there until Mincha. It is not feasible for us to wait so long to start our meal […]
Bathing on Erev Shabbos
Bathing on Erev Shabbos:[1] It is a Mitzvah[2] [upon both men and women[3]] to initially bathe one’s entire body[4] in hot water[5] on Erev Shabbos [and Erev Yom Tov[6]] in honor of Shabbos [and Yom Tov]. If one is unable to do so then he is at the very least […]
From the Rav’s Desk: 1) May one use shampoo and towels in a Mikveh without permission of owner. 2) Order of drying self after shower
Question: [Wednesday, 19th Adar, 5781] Rabbi, I go to a Mikveh in which many people leave their shampoo and conditioner in the shower area openly available. If I forgot to bring my shampoo and conditioner am I allowed to use it without finding out who the owner is and asking […]
The severity of hitting another Jew
Hitting a fellow Jew: A. The prohibition, severity and penalty:[1] It is [Biblically] forbidden for one to hit another Jew and if one hits him he transgresses a negative command.[2] This prohibition applies even to a light hit.[3] Lifting hand to hit:[4] Furthermore, anyone who lifts a threatening hand […]
From the Rav’s Desk: 1) May one put tefillin on while sitting or lying down if he is unable to stand. 2) Must one stand prior to repositioning his head tefillin?
Question: [Tuesday, 18th Adar, 5781] May one put tefillin on while sitting or lying down if he is unable to stand, such as if he is sick, or bound to a wheelchair? Answer: Yes, one who is unable to stand is nonetheless required to put on tefillin in a sitting […]