This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on In what areas is one obligated to perform the Bedika? All the areas that are obligated to be cleaned, as explained in the previous chapter[1], are required to be checked for Chametz at night with the use of a candle […]
Parshas Vayikra-Likkutei Sichos-Discovering your hidden evil
Parshas Vayikra Knowing ones hidden evil Compiled from the following sources: Likkutei Sichos Vol. 3 p. 201 Parshas Vayikra is the first of a long set of Parshiyos which discuss the bringing of the sacrifices to the altar. There are various types of sacrifices that can be offered, such […]
From the Rav’s Desk: May one eat avocado on his matzoh during Pesach?
Question: [Thursday, 5th Nissan, 5781] In our family we are accustomed eat matza with avocado during Pesach. In school my daughter was taught by her teacher that it is forbidden to do so, and it is against the Chabad custom, and it caused a very big ruckus in the classroom […]
Laws of Matzah-Summary-Part 2-Matzah Ashira, Machine made, Kefulos and Nefuchos
Summary of the laws of Matzah-Part 2: * For the full details and sources, please visit our website or see our Sefer “The laws and customs of Pesach” in the corresponding chapter! A. Does one fulfill the mitzvah even if he eats Matzah which does not belong to him? One […]
From the Rav’s Desk: May I use my Shabbos urn for Pesach?
Question: [Wednesday, 4th Nissan, 5781] I have read and heard that it is permitted for one to use his regular yearly hot water water urn [i.e. Kumkum, electric Shabbos urn, etc] for Pesach without needing to Kosher it beforehand. Is this correct as I’ve always been careful to have a […]
Laws of Matzah-Summary-Part 1-The Mitzvah-Matzah Shmura, Rasham/Rashi/Chaiy Melicha/Shulchan
Summary of the laws of Matzah-Part 1: * For the full details and sources, please visit our website or see our Sefer “The laws and customs of Pesach” in the corresponding chapter! A. The Mitzvah of eating Matzah: On the first night of Pesach: It is a positive command in […]
From the Rav’s Desk: May one use Maaser money to purchase Matzos?
Question: [Monday, 2nd Nissan, 5781] As I’m sure you know Matzos are extremely expensive. My question is whether I can use my Maaser money to pay for the Matzos? Answer: This depends on your income and how short of money you are. If indeed you do not have enough money […]
Erev Pesach falls on Shabbos-Guideline and Summary-Part 3-Shabbos day and Motzei Shabbos-Seder night
Shabbos Day: Early Shacharis: Shacharis on Shabbos must be Davened early, with enough time for people to come home and eat their Shabbos day meal before the 5th hour of the day, before Sof Zman Achilas Chametz. The chazan must be warned not to lengthen the davening. The time of […]
From the Rav’s Desk: How to do Shanyim Mikra when you are short on time
Question: [Sunday, 1st Nissan, 5781] This past Friday I got very busy and before I knew it there was no time before Shabbos to recite Shnayim Mikra. As you know this past Shabbos had two Parshiyos for a total of 214 verses, which was impossible for me to do during […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Should a Baal Keri say Birchas Hatorah before Mikveh?
Question: [Sunday, 1st Nissan, 5781] If one is a Baal Keri, should he delay Birchas Hatorah until after immersing in a mikvah or should he say it before in order not to nullify Torah learning until then? Answer: If the mikvah is very nearby to one’s home, and only takes […]