Question: [Tuesday, 17th Nissan, 5781] Is there any issue with purchasing typical animal food that is set up to feed the birds and other animals at the petting zoo during Pesach? Answer: Absolutely! The animal/bird feed which is given to visitors by petting zoos is often made of Chametz ingredients, […]
Erev Pesach falls on Shabbos [In three formats!]-Checklist, Summary, & Entire Chapter of Laws
Chapter 11: Erev Pesach that falls on Shabbos Introduction: When Erev Pesach falls on Shabbos, several questions arise regarding which actions that are normally done on Erev Pesach may be performed on Shabbos and which are to be preceded to before Shabbos, and how one is to […]
From the Rav’s Desk: 1) The law if Bechor accidentally ate; 2) Bechor born through C-section
Question: [Thursday, 12th Nissan, 5781] Rabbi, I did not realize that today Thursday is the fast of the firstborn and accidentally ate prior to having heard a Siyum. What am I supposed to do now? Do I still have to fast and/or hear a Siyum? Do I have to make […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Must I Kosher my Kiddush cup for Pesach and if so how, and what if it contains a rim?
Question: [Wednesday, 11th Nissan, 5781] Am I required to Kasher my kiddush cup for Pesach? As far as I know I have never used it for Chametz [all the wines that we use are Kosher for Pesach year-long]. Also, I have heard that kiddush cups that have lips on top […]
When Erev Pesach falls on Shabbos, may one split his meal in two, and eat bread only by the beginning of the meal?
When Erev Pesach falls on Shabbos, may one split his meal in two, and eat bread only by the beginning of the meal?:[1] Friday night: Regarding the Chametz meal eaten on Friday night that falls on Erev Pesach, one should not split the meal, segregating the various courses served […]
May one eat bread only by the beginning of a meal-Part 1
May one split his meal in two, and eat bread or Matzah only by the first part of the meal and only afterwards eat the main course after the bread is removed?[1] Example #1: On Erev Pesach that falls on Shabbos, may one split his meal to two, eating Chametz […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Must pet food Kosher for Pesach?
Question: [Tuesday, 10th Nissan, 5781] Must pet food be Kosher for Pesach? Answer: Yes. One must be careful to purchase pet food that is rabbinically authorized or certified for Pesach use, having been cleared of any Chametz ingredients. One should not simply rely on the ingredients stated on the can […]
From the Rav’s Desk: 1) Not to use or pour hot water in one’s sink during Pesach; 2) Do facemasks need to be Kosher for Pesach 3) The need for Kosher for Pesach paper towels and avoiding non-kosher for Pesach tea
Question: [Monday, 9th Nissan, 5781] Rabbi, I own a non-Kasherable sink [as do most people who don’t own a stainless-steel sink], and would like to know if I’m allowed to use the sink with hot water during Pesach. I will obviously be using a sink insert for all of my […]
Kitniyos-Owning, Benefit, selling, Taaruvos, Pesach pots
The law regarding owning and benefiting [i.e. use as lighting oil] from Kitniyos:[1] Benefit: Even [the Ashkenazim] were only stringent to prohibit the eating of Kitniyos, however, it is permitted to benefit from it on Pesach [i.e. sell].[2] [Thus, an Ashkenazi store owner may sell Kitniyus products on Pesach, if […]
Buying a new computer keyboard for Pesach
Question: [Sunday, 8th Nissan, 5781] I noticed that my computer keyboard contains a lot of Chametz in it, as like most people I eat lunch and snack while working? My question is if I can use it during Pesach or if I should simply buy a new one or try […]