Question: [Thursday, 10th yar 5781] When I am called up to read the Haftorah, may/should I close the Haftorah book after concluding its reading prior to saying the after blessings, or should I leave it open until after the blessings are recited? Answer: The person who reads the Haftorah for […]
Drinking after Kiddush before Hamotzi
Drinking liquids after Kiddush prior to the meal: It is permitted for one who is thirsty to drink after Kiddush, prior to the meal.[1] Saying a blessing prior to drinking:[2] One who drinks prior to the meal is not to say a blessing over the liquid if [he drank from […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Babysitter incurred large phone bill
Question: [Wednesday, 9th Iyar 5781] When I was a teenager and used to babysit for families in the neighborhood, I often used their house phone without asking their permission and at times I would be on for many hours which I’m sure gave them an extra-large bill as this was […]
Stealing an item as a joke with intent to return
Stealing as a joke:[1] It is forbidden to steal even if one plans to return it immediately afterwards.[2] It is forbidden to steal even if one has no intent at all to cause pain to the owner and is stealing the item [temporarily] merely out of jest [and plans to […]
From the Rav’s Desk: The law if one accidentally said Vesein Tal Umatar or Mashiv Haruach
Question: [Tuesday, 8th Iyar, 5781] I absentmindedly recited Vesein Tal Umatar [after Pesach in the summer months] and remembered a few moments later. What is the proper order for me to do? Should I go back to Bareich Aleinu and say it properly, or should I simply say Vesein Bracha […]
When to recite Kiddush Levana in months that Motzei Shabbos is past the 10th
When to recite Kiddush Levana in months that Motzei Shabbos is past the 10th from the Molad: Background:[1] One is to recite Kiddush Levana only on Motzei Shabbos [or Motzei Yom Tov[2]].[3] [The above time is only with regards to Mitzvah Min Hamuvchar, however from the letter of the law […]
Why do we mourn during Sefira?
Why do we mourn during Sefira?[1] It is accustomed amongst Jewry to observe certain customs of mourning within the period between Pesach and Shavuos. [This custom is first mentioned in the writings of the Geonim, and dates to the generation of Rebbe Akiva.[2] It is however unclear how widespread the […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Forgot to say sefira by night
Question: [Monday, 7th Iyar 5781] I [a man] forgot to count Sefira one day and would like to know if I must be careful to still continue counting without a blessing, or if I don’t have to be so careful anymore to count. Likewise, although I know I can no […]
Being careful not to flatulate wearing tefillin
Flatulence-The prohibition to release gas while wearing Tefillin:[1] It is forbidden to flatulate[2] while wearing Tefillin.[3] [Some Poskim[4] rule that this is a Biblical prohibition. It is more severe than having the Tefillin fall on the ground.[5]] One who is gassy:[6] Accordingly, one who is gassy is not to wear […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Wishing Shabbat shalom prior to prayers on Shabbos
Question: [Sunday, 6th Iyar, 5781] This past Shabbos I wished somebody a Shabbat Shalom in the morning prior to prayers and he told me that before Davening we say “good Shabbos” and not “Shabbat shalom.” Is this true and what is the reason? Answer: Indeed, the person is correct that […]