Question: [Monday, 24th Menachem Av 5781] If one woke up in middle of the night and is planning to instantly return back to sleep, such as for the sake of using the bathroom, or checking on a sleeping kid, or to take a crying baby, must he wash hands prior […]
May one say the word Shalom in a bathroom
May one say the word Shalom in a bathroom or Mikveh?[1] Saying Shalom Aleichem:[2] It is forbidden to greet a friend with the word “Shalom” [i.e. Shalom Aleichem], in the inner room of a bathhouse where everyone is undressed [i.e. where the showers and hot Mikveh is situated] being that […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Chazan of Shabbos Mincha said Ata Chonein
Question: [Sunday 23rd Menachem Av 5781] The Chazan by our minyan for Shabbos Mincha accidentally began saying Ata Chonein Leadam Daas by Chazaras Hashatz and was immediately stopped by the congregation. A big debate in shul ensued regarding what he is to do, with some saying that he should continue […]
Chitas learning-Part 3-How, When, and making up missed cycles
Chitas learning-Part 3-How, When, and making up missed cycles D. How: Must be learned in any set order?[1] There is no set order of learning Chitas, and one does not be particular to first learn Chumash, and then Tehillim, and then Tanya. In thought:[2] In the event that one is […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Opening a bottle cap of wine on Shabbos if one is Machmir
Question: [Thursday, 20th Menachem Av, 5781] In our family we follow the ruling that it is forbidden to open bottle caps on Shabbos. This Shabbos we ran out of wine and needed to open a new bottle which was not opened from before Shabbos and did not know what to […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Women studying Chitas
Women studying Chitas Question: [Wednesday, 19th Menachem Av, 5781] Are women obligated in the Takana of the daily study of Chitas, and does it proceed the study of the daily Rambam, and is it more important than daily prayer for women? Answer: Women are to endeavor to study the […]
Chitas-Part 2-Segulos and who should learn it
Chitas-Part 2:[1] B. It’s greatness and blessings: The life of one soul:[2] The purpose of the daily study of Chitas is much more than just a regular session of Torah study which is part of one’s mitzvah of learning Torah, but rather touches upon the very life of one’s soul. […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Davening, learning and blessings in an area that is near a barn
Question: [Monday, 17th Menachem Av 5781] Our summer vacation home is in an area that is adjacent to a barn and quite often the smell of the barn carries over to the location of our home. Is it permitted for me to learn or Daven or say a blessing when […]
Chitas-Part 1-Background and History
Chitas:[1] The Background & History: The word Chitas stands for Chumash, Tehillim, Tanya.[2] Its daily learning was established by the Rebbe Rayatz.[3] The daily learning allotments were first published in the Sefer Hayom Yom, in the year 5703, as requested by the Rebbe Rayatz to the Rebbe.[4] Its Segula was […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Began Kaddish without Minyan
Question: [Sunday 29th Sivan 5780] What should be done if one began Kaddish without a Minyan? What if the person refuses to stop, should you still answer? Answer: The person must stop reciting the Kaddish if there was no Minyan to begin with, when he initially began saying it. […]