Mincha: Paroches: The Paroches is returned to the Aron prior to Mincha. Charity: Prior to Mincha one is to give Igara Ditaanisa to charity. Tallis and Tefillin: By Mincha, one wears Tallis and Tefillin with a blessing. [One recites all three Parshiyos of Shema while wearing the Tefillin. Those who […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Outbidding a potential tenant on a rental property
Question: [Wednesday, 5th Menachem Av, 5781] I’m looking to rent out a condo that I own in ???? and was in correspondence with a certain potential tenant who was seriously looking into closing the deal, and while we were pretty much ready to sign the lease agreement we have yet […]
The prayers of Tisha B’av-Part 1
The prayers of Tisha B’av-Part 1 Maariv: Removing the Paroches: [Prior to Maariv] one is to remove the Paroches from the Aron. [In some communities, the Paroches is not removed, but rather moved to the side, hence revealing the doors of the Aron. The Chabad custom is to also remove […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Dough of Hafrashas Challah became mixed back into the batch of dough
Question: [Tuesday, 4th Menachem Av, 5781] I was preparing Challah and after I separated a piece of Challah from the dough and said the blessing for Hafrashas Challah, I put it down on the counter and somehow absentmindedly mixed it back into the batch of dough. What am I supposed […]
The laws of Tisha B’av-Summary-Part 2
The laws of Tisha B’av-Summary-Part 2 Learning Torah on Tisha B’av: It is forbidden to learn Torah on Tisha B’av, with exception to the parts of Torah relating to the mourning period or tragic occurrences for the Jewish people. This prohibition includes Chumash, Navi, Kesuvim, Mishneh, Talmud, Halacha, Agadah [i.e. […]
From the Rav’s Desk: 1) Cleaning stain during nine days; 2) Selling one’s world to come
Question: [Monday, 3rd Menachem Av 5781] I got a stain on my skirt, and I would like to know if I am allowed to clean it during the nine days. I would like to wear the skirt a few more days although I do have other ones available. Answer: One […]
The laws of Tisha B’av-Summary-Part 1
The laws of Tisha B’av-Summary-Part 1 The five tragedies that occurred on Tisha B’av: On Tisha B’av of year 2449 the Meraglim returned and it was decreed that the Jewish people in the desert would not enter Eretz Yisrael. On Tisha B’av of year 3338 [שלח-422 BCE] the first Temple […]
From the Rav’s Desk: 1) This year, may one cut nails during the nine days? 2) Oiling squeaky hinges on Shabbos
Question: [Sunday 2nd Menachem Av 5781] May I cut my nails during the nine days? What about on erev Shabbos? Answer: This year that Tisha B’Av falls on Sunday [as opposed to falling on Shabbos and then being deferred to Sunday] it is permitted to cut nails during the […]
From the Rav’s Desk: 1) Dyeing hair during The Three Weeks; 2) Ironed clothing during nine days 3) Removing half eaten pickle from jar on Shabbos
Question: [Thursday, 28th Tammuz 5781] Am I allowed to dye my hair during the three weeks? Answer: Yes. However, some avoid doing so from the start of the 9 days. Explanation: There is no recorded restriction against dyeing hair throughout the three weeks, nonetheless some avoid doing so […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Who gets to keep the found money, the finder, or the person who picked it up
Question: [Tuesday, 27th Tammuz, 5781] My son and daughter were walking on gravel that is off the sidewalk in the city and found a $100 bill on the gravel near some rocks. My son is the one who saw it first, but my daughter is the one who actually picked […]