Question: [Wednesday, 17th Elul, 5781] We live in Eretz Yisrael and need to uproot a tree that has roots interfering with the underground piping. I wanted to know if we must get this done before Shemita, or may do so also during Shemita. Answer: It is permitted to uproot […]
When should the Peruzbal be performed?
When should the Peruzbal be performed?[1] Initially the Peruzbal is to be performed at the end of the sixth year, prior to Rosh Hashanah of the seventh year.[2] [It is a Mitzvah to publicize this matter as it is not well known to the public.[3] It is proper to arrange […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Tachanun on day of Hachnasas Sefer Torah in another Shul in city
Question: [Monday, 16th Elul 5781] Should Tachanun be recited in a shul if a Hachansas Sefer Torah is taking place in another Shul within the same city? Answer: It depends on whether your Shul’s congregation will be participating in the rejoicing. If yes, then it is your communities joy […]
Mivtzah Shofar-Laws & Guidelines for blowing Shofar on Mivtzaim-Part 2
1. Mistakes-Blew the wrong sound: Blew a Teruah instead of a Shevarim or vice versa: In all cases that one was supposed to blow a Teruah or Shevarim and instead he blew a Shevarim or Teruah [i.e. one blew a Shevarim inתר”ת instead of a Teruah, or a Teruah in […]
Mivtzah Shofar-Laws & Guidelines for blowing Shofar on Mivtzaim-Part 1
Mivtzah Shofar Laws & Guidelines for blowing Shofar on Mivtzaim The following Chapter is a compilation of the relevant laws that have been written throughout our sefer and website article which are especially applicable to Mivtzaim. For the full details on the subjects discussed below, please refer to our Sefer […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Placed hot pot on top of non-kosher counter
Question: [Monday, 15th Elul 5781] We are staying in a B&B rental and I absentmindedly placed a hot pot of food directly down on a non-kosher counter. The counter was cleaned before we arrived and has not been used for some time before our arrival. What is the status of […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Shaking a slushy bottle of juice on Shabbos
Question: [Sunday 14th Elul 5781] I entered a number of bottles of juice in the freezer before Shabbos and when I took it out of the freezer it was partially frozen. I would like to know if it’s permitted for me to shake the bottle on Shabbos in order to […]
The Mitzvah of building a Sukkah
The Mitzvah of building a Sukkah:[1] It is a command in the Torah to dwell in a Sukkah throughout the seven days of the Sukkos Holiday. As a result of this command, we are required to build a Sukkah prior to Sukkos in order to fulfill the command when the […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Toasting Challah on Shabbos
Question: [Thursday, 11th Elul, 5781] Is there any problem for me to place my Challahs on the Blech on Shabbos for them to become toasty? Answer: It depends on how you plan on doing so. If the Challah is dry and you place it on top of a pot […]
The laws of Borer-Removing a solid from within a liquid
The laws of Borer-Removing a solid from within a liquid:[1] Small solids:[2] Small solids retain all the Borer restrictions with regards to removing them from liquid or vice versa. Thus, separating small pieces of onion, chicken, vegetables from soup contains the Borer restrictions. Likewise, removing a fly or hair from […]